Part 30

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*The shift is over now. Tim want's to go home but he also doesn't want to be alone. He considers his options, and the thought of spending time with Tamara.
Tim arrives at Lucy's apartment, he's greeted warmly by Tamara and Noah. Their presence brings a sense of familiarity and comfort to Tim as they welcome him inside.*
Tamara- Hey, Tim, come on in!
*Tamara says with a smile, while walking over to hm and giving him a hug. Noah nods in greeting*
Noah- Hey, man, good to see you.
Tim- hey guys
*Tamara's eyes light up as she notices the bags Tim is holding, and a smile spreads across her face.*
Tamara- You brought food? That's so thoughtful of you, Tim.
*Tamara's gratitude for the food brings a smile to Tim's face.*
Tim- Of course, Tam. Anything for you guys.
*Noah nods in agreement, his enthusiasm evident.*
Noah- Yeah, thanks, Tim. You're the best.
*Together, they gather around the dining table, setting out the food Tim brought. As they share the meal, they engage in easy conversation, catching up on each other's lives and enjoying each other's company.
In that moment, surrounded by the warmth and camaraderie, Tim feels a sense of belonging. Despite the absence of Lucy, being with Tamara and Noah fills the void and brings him a sense of comfort and companionship he was longing for.
As they finish their meal, Tim, Tamara, and Noah clear the table and settle in for a cozy evening together. They browse through the movie options, eventually settling on a film that they can all enjoy.
Snuggled up on the couch with blankets and pillows, they press play and immerse themselves in the movie. The familiar sights and sounds of the film create a sense of relaxation and togetherness, further solidifying the bond between them.
Throughout the movie, they share laughs, gasps, and moments of reflection, enjoying each other's company in the comfort. Tim finds himself drawn into the story, grateful for the distraction and the opportunity to simply be present in the moment with their company.*
Tim- It''s getting late, I should probably head home
Tamara- of course, Tim. Thank you for coming over.
Noah- yeah, it was great spending time together
Tim- Definitely. Thanks for the company, guys. I'll see you soon.
*As Tim settles into his car for the drive home, he decides to FaceTime Lucy, longing to see her face and hear her voice after spending time with Tamara and Noah. Placing his phone in the holder, he initiates the call, feeling a rush of anticipation as Lucy picks up immediately.*
Tim- Hey
*Tim greets her softly, his heart skipping a beat at the sight of her familiar face on the screen.*
Lucy- Hey
*Lucy responds, her voice filled with warmth and affection as she returns his gaze.
For a moment, they simply look at each other, a silent exchange of love and longing passing between them. Tim feels a sense of comfort wash over him, grateful for the opportunity to connect with Lucy despite the physical distance between them."
Tim- How was your day?
*Tim finally breaks the silence, eager to hear about Lucy's experiences at UC-Academy.
Lucy takes a moment to respond, her expression thoughtful as she reflects on her day."
Lucy- It was... intense, but good. I learned a lot and met some amazing people.
*Tim listens intently, hanging on to her every word, grateful for the chance to share in her experiences even from afar. As they continue to talk, the distance between them seems to fade away, replaced by the strength of their love and the depth of their connection.
And in that moment, despite the challenges they may face, Tim knows that as long as they have each other, they can overcome anything.*
Lucy- how is Tamara?
Tim- she's good. I actually just left them
Lucy- really?
Tim- Really
*Tim confirms with a nod, a fond smile spreading across his face at the thought of their time together.*
Tim- I spent the evening at your place with Tamara and Noah. It was nice to catch up and spend some time with them.
*Lucy's eyes brighten with interest.*
Lucy- That sounds lovely. I'm glad you had some company while I was away.
Tim- Yeah, it was good
*Tim replies, his voice filled with warmth.*
Tim- But it's not the same without you here, Lucy.
*A soft smile graces Lucy's lips as she gazes at Tim through the screen.*
Tim- I miss you too, Tim. More than you know.
*Tim's heart swells with affection at her words, a surge of longing coursing through him.*
Tim- I can't wait for you to come back. I already miss having you by my side.
Lucy- I'll be back before you know it,
*Lucy reassures him, her voice filled with determination.*
Lucy- But until then, we'll just have to make the most of our time apart.
*As Tim arrives at his place, he carries on the conversation with Lucy, his phone cradled in his hand as he steps inside. The familiar surroundings of his home offer a sense of comfort as he continues to talk to her, unwilling to let their conversation end just yet.
With Lucy's voice filling the room, Tim goes about his evening routine, setting his phone down nearby as he prepares for a shower. He keeps her on the line, their conversation flowing effortlessly as the sound of running water fills the background.
As he steps into the shower, Tim's thoughts remain focused on Lucy, her presence almost tangible despite the physical distance between them. The soothing warmth of the water serves as a backdrop to their conversation, creating a sense of intimacy that transcends the miles separating them.
For Tim, having Lucy on the phone while he showers feels like a small yet significant gesture of closeness, a reminder of their unwavering connection and the strength of their love. And as he washes away the stresses of the day, he finds solace in the sound of her voice, grateful for her companionship even in the simplest of moments.
After he put on some clothes he placed his phone in a way, so she could see him again while he's doing his routine.*
Lucy- (Squirming) you're so cute 
*Tim's heart skips a beat at Lucy's endearing words, her compliment bringing a warm blush to his cheeks even though she's miles away.*
Tim- Why do you think that?
Lucy- my tough Sargent doing a skincare routine
*Tim chuckles softly at Lucy's playful remark, her teasing banter bringing a smile to his face even from afar.*
Tim- Hey, even tough sergeants need to take care of their skin,
*he replies with a hint of humor in his voice.*
Tim- Besides, it reminds me of the skincare treatments you give me
*Tim's playful response earns a soft giggle from Lucy, her laughter echoing through the phone as she listens to his words.*
Lucy- That's true
*she agrees with a hint of mischief in her voice.*
Lucy- But you have to admit, you always look good with a face mask on.
*Tim's cheeks flush slightly at the memory of Lucy's skincare treatments, her gentle touch and loving care leaving a lasting impression on him.*
Tim- I guess I can't argue with that
*he admits with a smile, his tone affectionate.*
Tim- Your skincare routines are the best.
*As they lay in bed with their phones in hand, Tim and Lucy continue their conversation, their voices filling the air with warmth and intimacy. Despite the physical distance between them, they find solace in each other's company, grateful for the technology that allows them to stay connected even when they're apart.
In that moment, surrounded by the soft glow of their screens and the comfort of their shared conversation, Tim and Lucy revel in the simple pleasure of being together, even if it's just through a phone call. And as they talk late into the night, Lucy falls asleep.*
Tim- (whimpering) good night Sunshine
*Tim doesn't end the phone call. He just lays in his bed with a big smile, admiring his beautiful girl till he falls asleep. When he wakes up the next morning, the call is over. His cell phone died. {It's 5AM} He plugs in his phone before putting on his sports clothes and his running shoes. He heads for a run. When he's back home he takes a shower before going to work.*
(I don't know what exactly happens in a UC- Academy so I wont be writing about it.)
*Tim walks into the lockers room and changes into uniform, to go to his office and finish some paperwork he didn't finish the day before. At 7.30AM he heads to the break room to get something to eat before roll call because he forgot to eat breakfast that morning.*
Angela- hey
Tim- hey. Why are you so early? Roll call starts in 30 minutes
Angela- I'm working on a case and thought I might find a hint or something but no, just got up early for nothing
Tim- you'll get there
Angela- I tried calling you yesterday and you didn't pick up
Tim- I was with Tamara. We had diner and. Watched a movie.
Angela- No, it said you were not available because you were on the phone with someone else.
*Tims face grows into a smile and he blushes a little*
Tim- yeah..... I was actually on the phone with Lucy.
Angela- how is she?
Tim- She's doing well, despite having a rough day. She's happy to be at UC-Academy.
Angela- That's good to hear. I'm glad she's settling in okay.
Tim- yeah, only 181 more days till she gets back
Angela- Counting down the days, huh?
*Angela says with a playful smirk.*
Angela- Are you marking each day off on a calendar or something?
*Tim chuckles, shaking his head.*
Tim- No, not quite.
*Tim is riding with Aaron again. It's a quiet shift and Aaron is trying to find out where Lucy is, without asking directly.*
Tim- Boot if you want to know where she is then just ask and stop talking
*Tim's comment catches Aaron off guard, causing him to pause for a moment before responding.
Aaron clears his throat, trying to play it off casually.*
Aaron- Oh, it's not like that, Tim. I was just curious, you know? Trying to make conversation.
*Tim raises an eyebrow, not entirely convinced by Aaron's explanation.*
Tim- Right, sure. Well, Lucy's at UC-Academy, as you probably know.
*Aaron nods, feigning nonchalance.*
Aaron- Yeah, yeah, of course. Just making sure.
*Despite the attempt at subtlety, Tim can't help but chuckle inwardly at Aaron's failed attempt to conceal his curiosity.
The day passes and on his way to the looker room he meets Nyla*
Nyla- hey, Tim. Look I'm sorry about the comment I made yesterday
Tim- It's fine you didn't know and Aaron is right that's just our way of communication
Nyla- do you want to join us at the bar
Tim- who's going to be there?
Nyla- Angela, John, Wesley, Celina and some more people I think
Tim- sounds good, you're not there I'll maybe join the group
*He laughs and Nyla chuckles*
Nyla- (grinning) Sure thing, Tim. I'll be there, but you know me, I can't promise any serious conversation.
Tim- alright see you later
*As Tim joins his colleagues at the bar, he finds himself feeling a bit out of place amidst the lively atmosphere. While the others enjoy their drinks and engage in animated conversations, Tim opts for just one beer, not feeling quite as comfortable indulging in alcohol as the rest of the group.
After a while, Tim starts to feel a bit restless, the noise and chatter of the bar becoming overwhelming. He excuses himself from the group, citing an early start the next day as his reason for leaving.
Outside the bar, Tim considers going for a run to clear his head, but ultimately decides to head to the gym at the station instead. He finds solace in the familiar surroundings of the gym, the rhythmic motion of his workout helping to calm his mind and alleviate his unease.
As he finishes his workout and heads home for the night, Tim feels a sense of relief wash over him. Two and a half hours go by, it's getting late and he heads home. Tim dials Lucy's number, feeling a rush of anticipation as the call connects. When Lucy picks up, her voice fills the air with warmth and affection, instantly putting Tim at ease.*
Tim- Hey, Luce
*He says, his voice soft and filled with warmth.*
Tim- I just wanted to hear your voice.
*Lucy's response is equally tender, her words wrapping around Tim like a comforting embrace. They fall into easy conversation, sharing the events of their respective days and exchanging words of love and support.
They pretty much do something similar to the previous night. With Lucy on the line, he goes about his evening routine, the familiarity of their conversation and the presence of her voice filling the space around him.
As he prepares for bed, Tim sets his phone down on the nightstand, the sound of Lucy's breathing lulling him into a sense of peace and contentment. With Lucy by his side, Tim drifts off to sleep*
Lucy- (whispering) Good night Starry, I love you
*She hangs up the call and heads to sleep too*

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