Part 31

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*She hangs up the call and heads to sleep too. As the days pass and Lucy's training at UC-Academy becomes more intense, Tim and Lucy find themselves unable to talk as frequently as before. The demands of Lucy's rigorous schedule leave little time for leisurely conversations, and Tim understands the importance of her focus and dedication to her training. This evening when Lucy called, Tim noticed something was off*
Tim- what's wrong baby?
Lucy- it's nothing
Tim- tell me please
Lucy- I'm just in pain. That's it
Tim- what happened?
Lucy- nothing, I'm just on my period and everything hurts like a bitch
Tim- I'm sorry you're going through this, Lucy (Tim says sympathetically) I wish I could be there to help.
Lucy- It's not your fault. You didn't tell the universe to make women get periods.
*she chuckles and Lucy's chuckle brings a small smile to Tim's face, appreciating her ability to find humor even in moments of discomfort. She's moving around in bed, trying to find a comfortable position*
Lucy- this hot water bottle isn't really working
Tim- what's about your heating blanket?
Lucy- I forgot to pack it
*As they continue talking, Tim decides to take action to help alleviate Lucy's pain. He quickly orders a heating blanket, some snacks, some painkillers and more stuff to be delivered to her, hoping it will provide some relief. As they were talking, there's a knock at her door.*
Lucy- hold on
*Lucy puts her phone down and goes to open the door. A delivery person is there with a big bag. She takes it, thanks him and closes the door. She heads back to bed and picks up the phone*
Lucy- Tim?
Tim- Is everything alright?
Lucy- yes! Thank you so much
*she starts crying*
Tim- baby, are those happy or sad tears?
Lucy- I don't know, both.
Tim- Hey, it's okay. Take a deep breath for me please.
*After a while, Lucy's tears begin to subside, replaced by a sense of gratitude for Tim's unwavering presence in her life.*
Lucy- Thank you
Tim- You don't need to thank me, sweetheart. seeing you smile is enough.
Lucy- you're gonna make my cry again
Tim- It's okay to cry but if you do you might make my cry too
*Lucy chuckles*
Tim- don't laugh at me (acting hurt)
Lucy- my tough guy crying?
Tim- your tough guy, huh?
Lucy- yes my man
Tim- (laughing) wow, so now you're objectifying me
*they burst out laughing. Their laughter fills the air, a sweet melody of joy and love that transcends the miles between them. Tim can't help but smile at Lucy's playful banter, her teasing bringing a warmth to his heart.*
Tim- Hey now, no laughing at the tough guy
*Tim jokes, his tone light and playful. Lucy's laughter rings through the phone, a sound that brings comfort and happiness to Tim's soul.*
Lucy- But you're my tough guy
*she insists, her voice filled with affection. Tim's laughter joins hers, the sound echoing with love and happiness.*
Tim- Alright, alright, I'll accept that
*He concedes, his heart swelling with love for Lucy. As their laughter subsides, a comfortable silence settles between them, the warmth of their connection wrapping around them.*
Tim- I love you, Lucy
*Tim says softly, his voice filled with sincerity.*
Lucy- I love you too, Tim
*Lucy responds, her words carrying the weight of her love for him. As their laughter fades into a comfortable silence, Tim's heart swells with affection for Lucy. He feels a warmth enveloping him, a sense of peace settling over him as he basks in the love they share.*
Tim- You know, Lucy, even when we're apart, moments like these make me feel like you're right here with me.
Lucy- I feel it too, Tim.
Tim- Absolutely. And hearing your laughter is one of my favorite sounds
Lucy- and what are your other favorite sounds?
Tim- you sure you want to know?
Lucy- yes
Tim- Okay... let's say I like some other sounds you make, when you feel ahhm..good, w-well I hope you feel good about that
Lucy- I don't get it
Tim- You usually only make them when we're alone
Lucy- (chuckling) you mean I make them when you fuck me
Tim- (grinning mischievously) Well, I wasn't going to be that direct, but yes, exactly.
Lucy- (laughing) You never cease to surprise me with your bluntness.
Tim- (playfully) Hey, I call it being straightforward.
Lucy- (teasing) Sure, sure. And what else?
Tim- Hmm, let's see... I love the sound of your voice when you're lost in thought, or when you're telling me about your day.
Lucy- (smiling) That's sweet.
Tim- Oh, and when you're singing in the shower. It's like having a private concert, just for me. And you know the view at these kind of concerts is really good.
Lucy- (giggling) Well, I'm glad you enjoy it.
Tim- (affectionately) Luce, there's something special about every sound you make. Each one is a reminder of how much I adore you.
Lucy- (softly) And I feel the same way about you, Tim.
*while Tim is talking Lucy falls asleep. It took him a while to realize*
Tim- (whispering) I love you
*while he looks at her trough the screen*
Lucy- (mumbling) I love you too
Tim- I thought you were asleep
Lucy- mhm
Tim- (chuckling) good night
*As Lucy drifts off to sleep, Tim can't help but smile at the sight of her peaceful expression. He watches her for a moment longer, feeling a rush of affection and gratitude for having her in his life.*
Tim- (softly) Sweet dreams, my love.
*The sound of her breathing fills his room*
Tim- (whispering) I'm so lucky to have you.
Tim- (softly) I'll always cherish moments like these.
*With a final glance at Lucy, Tim ends the call and sets his phone aside, feeling a sense of warmth and comfort enveloping him as he prepares to drift off to sleep. {few weeks later} As Tim's alarm clock pierces through the silence of the early morning, he groggily reaches out to silence it, his mind still heavy with sleep. With a deep breath, he rouses himself from the warmth of his bed, knowing that a refreshing run awaits him.
The cool morning air greets Tim as he steps outside, the rhythmic pounding of his feet against the pavement echoing through the quiet streets. With each step, he feels a sense of clarity wash over him, the worries of the day ahead momentarily forgotten in the simplicity of the present moment.
After his invigorating run, Tim returns home to freshen up before heading to work. The day passes in a blur of activity, with Tim immersing himself in his duties and responsibilities at the station. Despite the hectic pace, he finds himself looking forward to the evening ahead, eager to spend time with Tamara once again.
{At Lucys apartment}
He arrives at the apartment and knocks on the door, even dough he has a key he finds him self knocking every time he gets there.*
Tamara- come in it's open
*Tim smiles warmly as he steps into Lucy's apartment, his gaze shifting to Tamara as she greets him. Despite the familiarity of the routine, Tim can't help but feel a sense of comfort in Tamara's presence.*
Tim- Hey, I'm glad to hear you're doing well.
Tamara- Yeah, just another day.
Tim- So, any plans?
Tamara- I've been thinking we could have a relaxed evening.
Tim- Sounds good. I was hoping for some action because I skipped my workout, but a chill night sounds fun too.
Tamara- We could hit the gym before relaxing if you want.
Tim- Nah, it's fine. Let's just take it easy tonight.
Tamara- alright I'm gonna take a shower before we eat
Tim- go ahead, I'm about to make my famous lasagna and am afraid I cant tell you the secret receipt
*As she heads off to take a shower, he busies himself in the kitchen, gathering the ingredients and preparing the dish with care. The savory aroma of the simmering sauce fills the apartment, heightening their anticipation for the meal to come.*
Tim- (calling out from the kitchen) Don't take too long in there, Tam. I promise this lasagna won't wait forever!
Tamara- I'm not making any promises
*Tim chuckles at Tamara's playful response, appreciating her witty banter as he continues cooking in the kitchen.*
Tim- Fair enough!
*an hour goes by and Tim is almost done cooking, when Tamara joins him in the kitchen. As Tim sees Tamara enter the kitchen, he can't help but tease her about her prolonged absence.*
Tim- (grinning) Took you long enough!
Tamara- yeah, I took a everything shower you know
*He laughs at Tamara's response, enjoying the playful exchange as they share a moment in the kitchen.*
Tim- Ah, the legendary "everything" shower! Well, I have. no idea what you're talking about
Tamara- you really don't know?
*Tim raises an eyebrow, feigning ignorance.*
Tim- Nope, clueless. Care to enlighten me?
Tamara- okay, there are five main types of showers
Tim- and these would be?
*While they talk Tamara washes the dishes and Tim sets the table*
Tamara- There is 1. "quick rinse", the name explains it pretty much, 2. there is a.., I call it "scenario shower", is where you have pretend debates or arguments with imaginary opponents, 3. there is a "crying shower", needs to be hot, you end up sitting and you have to like replay the the same song over and over, 4. Then there is my favorite the "concert shower", name explains it pretty much and 5. There is the "everything shower", wich is when you do like everything. you know, you shave, exfoliate, wash your hair, condition it, maybe even do a face mask. It's like a full-on spa treatment in the comfort of your own bathroom.
Tim- Got it! Sounds like a proper self-care ritual.
Tamara- Exactly!
Tim- Well, I've definitely heard of that one. I guess I just didn't know it by that name.
Tamara- But there is no way you haven't already experienced them.
*Tim chuckles as he finishes setting the table, nodding in agreement with Tamara's observation.*
Tim- You know what, you might be onto something there. I suppose I've had my fair share of "quick rinses" and "scenario showers," although I didn't know they had official names.
Tamara- (smirking) And what about the "crying shower"? Been there?
Tim- (grinning) Maybe once or twice... but we'll keep that between us.
Tamara- Your secret's safe with me... unless you decide to make fun of me again. Then all bets are off!
*Tim's eyes widen in mock horror. She can't remain serious anymore and burst out into laughter*
Tamara- (almost dying of laughter) just kidding, I-I-I won't tell anyone. Don't worry. I promise this stays between us and maybe Lucy
Tim- why?
Tamara- I tell her everything
Tim- yeah , she already told me there's no filter between you two
Tamara- I mean, she's like my mother. No that's weird, she's only like 10 years older than me, we're practically like sisters. Plus, I can't keep secrets from Lucy, you know how close we are. We really share everything with each other and I mean like everything
Tim- I get that you two are close but does she really share everything, like even personal things about me
Tamara- ahhm...
Tim- how much does she tell you?
Tamara- Okay, I'm going to be honest with you. When she was dating other guys, she pretty much told me everything. I mean, really everything they did, and even some extra details about the guy.
Tim- (taken aback) Oh... I see.
Tamara- Look, I know it might sound a bit strange, but Lucy and I have always been very open with each other. She trusts me, and I trust her. But things have changed since she started dating you.
Tim- In what way?
Tamara- We do still talk about ahhm.. s-p...let's say personal things, but it's more on a general level now. No more specifics like before. I mean I've tried to get things out of her when you two started dating but there was no chance of getting something out of her and there still isn't. She used to describe to me what and how they did it.
Tim- (listening carefully) I see... So, she's become more.
Tamara- Yeah, exactly. It's not that she doesn't trust me anymore, it's just that she's being more careful with what she shares, since it seems to be something serious between you two and she doesn't want to betrayal your trust.
Tim- so you don't know anything about me that you're not supposed to know?
Tamara- That's an other conversation. I've spend quite some time with Angela. I've also been babysitting Tyler (Tims nephew, I think that's his name) you know and Genny, she has a lot to say about you.
*Tim pushes her jokingly and Tamara was almost falling from the chair she was siting on but Tim caught her in time.*
Tim- Sorry I didn't mean to push you this hard
*they both where laughing*
Tamara- Besides, the things I've had to witness are way worse than anything lucy and I talk about.
Tim- (a little blushing) Yeah, sorry about that.
Tamara- Yeah, no, a sorry doesn't make things unheard.
*She says as the timer rings. The lasagna is done.*
Tim- Well, as long as they're entertaining stories, I guess it's not too bad.
Tamara- Exactly! Now, let's dig into this lasagna before it gets cold.
*Tim nods as they both sit down to enjoy their meal*
Tamara- You know, Tim, I have to say, this lasagna tastes absolutely amazing. You've really outdone yourself.
Tim- (smiling) Thanks, Tam. I'm glad you're enjoying it.
*Tamara looks at him and he notices*
Tim- what is it?
Tamara- I have to ask, Tim, do you have any plans for your birthday coming up in two weeks?
Tim- get up, go for a run, go to work, go home and then go to bed
Tamara- Oh, come on, Tim, you can't just let your birthday pass like any other day. It's a special occasion! You should do something fun to celebrate.
Tim- No, I'm trying to figure something out for Lucys birthday next week. And how do you even know that my birthday is in two weeks?
Tamara- I know everything
Tim- Lucy told you
Tamara- yes
Tim- do you have any ideas what to do on her Birthday?
Tamara- Maybe we could send her a care package filled with things she loves, like her favorite snacks, a heartfelt letter, and maybe even some small gifts.
Tim- sounds good but I already send her flowers every two weeks and a care package once a month
Tamara- Aww, Tim, that's so adorable! It's really touching to see how thoughtful you are in making sure Lucy feels loved, especially while she's away.
Tim- It's nothing special, I just want to make sure she knows I love her. And by the way she sends me care packages too.
Tamara- Oh my god you two are so cute I want that too.
Tim- Isn't Noah doing enough?
Tamara- He is doing more than enough, and I sometimes even feel like I'm not doing enough.
Tim- I'm sure you're doing plenty, Tam.
Tamara- No, you know he actually has something planned for us. He's taking me on a surprise trip for the weekend to a cozy cabin in the mountains.
Tim- anniversary?
Tamara- No, that's the problem. He said he just wanted to surprise me. Last week I mentioned that I love nature or something like that, I can't remember the exact conversation and then he surprised me with this trip.
Tim- Wow, that's really thoughtful of him.
Tamara- I know, he's so sweet. It's those little things he does that make me feel special, well it's not a little thing but it's the fact that he listens to the things I say.
Tim- Absolutely. It sounds like it's going to be a nice getaway.
*Tim looks at her with raised eyebrows*
Tamara- what?
Tim- nothing
Tamara- that's your dad mode look. What is it?
Tim- Just....
*tamara gives him a look that says "Get to the point."*
Tim- Just make sure to you know... use protection
Tamara- Just so you know, it's none of your business
Tim- I know, I'm sorry
Tamara- But because you are so concerned about it, I'm gonna give you some "education"(didn't know how to call it). So, here's the deal. Before we started, y-you know... getting there, we talked about the worst case scenario and what would happen because you never know. And by the way, there is only a short timeframe each month where a woman with a period can get pregnant. But to be on the safe side, we use contraception, so I've been on birth-control for four or maybe five years now.
Tim- you started taking the pill when you were fourteen years old?
*he asks a little shocked*
Tamara- Yes, I did. It was mainly for managing my periods, acne and some other stuff, but it also provided protection.
Tim- that makes sense....and sorry for interfering into your personal stuff
Tamara- It's fine and now that it's sorted wo could maybe move on
Tim- Agreed, let's move on. You have to try the chocolate lava cake I made
Tamara- uhh I'm full
Tim- so you're saying don't want any?
Tamara- of course I want some. There is always some space for dessert
Tim- Here, have a bite.
*Tim carefully spoons a portion of the chocolate lava cake onto Tamara's plate, watching her with anticipation.*
Tamara- This is heavenly! I have to admit you're a genius in the kitchen, Tim.
Tim- Thanks, but I couldn't have done it without a great taste tester like you.
*After cleaning the kitchen they decide to watch a movie. As the movie progresses, Tim's eyelids start to droop, and he finds himself drifting off to sleep on the couch. Tamara noticing Tim starting to doze off wakes him up*
Tamara- Hey, sleepyhead, looks like someone's had a long day.
Tim- (Barely awake) Yeah, it's been a busy one. I should head home
Tamara- you sure you're up to drive you look pretty tired
Tim- yeah, I'm fine
Tamara- Why don't you stay here tonight
Tim- are you sure, I don't want to impose.
Tamara- Tim, it's no trouble at all. I'd feel much better knowing you're safe and not driving when you're so tired. Plus, you have everything you need here.
Tim- (Sighs) You're right. Thanks, Tam.
*Tim heads to Lucy's room*
Tim- night Tam!
Tamara- good night
*He does his night routine, and settles into the bed, which still carries the faint scent of Lucy. The next day he wakes up at the sound of his alarm ringing at 5AM. He again puts his sports stuff and running shoes to head out for a run. When he gets back an hour later Tamara was in the kitchen, making breakfast*
Tamara- Morning. How was your run?
Tim- It was good, thanks. What are you doing?
Tamara- I'm making some scrambled eggs and toast.
*Tim pours himself a cup of coffee and joins Tamara in the kitchen. They enjoy their breakfast together, chatting*
Tamara- So, any plans for today?
Tim- Not really, just work and then hit the gym. What about you?
Tamara- School and finish some assignments, nothing too exciting
Tim- we should hit the gym together
Tamara- why?
*Tim takes a sip of his coffee, considering his response.*
Tim- It could be a nice change of pace from studying alone ..... and I need someone to spot me
Tamara- do you really think I can handle spotting you with the weights you train with?
Tim- I have faith in you, Tam.
Tamara- Alright, I'll give it a shot. But don't blame me if I drop the bar on you.
*they laugh*
Tim- I trust you.
*They finish their breakfast and clean up the kitchen before heading out to start their respective days.*

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