Part 33

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*As their lunch break draws to a close, they finish their meals and head back to school and work. Tim drops Tamara and Noah off first at the school, then, he drives back to the station. A few more days pass and it's Friday.
Despite the anticipation of his birthday looming ahead, Tim approaches the day with a sense of apprehension. He doesn't particularly like his birthday and prefers to keep it low-key, avoiding any fuss or attention. Throughout the day, he tries to downplay any recognition of his birthday, politely acknowledging well-wishes from friends and colleagues but not engaging much in the celebrations.
As the workday draws to a close, Tim feels a sense of relief wash over him, knowing that he can soon retreat to the comfort of his own space. He quietly packs up and makes his was to the locker room, hoping for a quiet evening at home, he's intercepted by Angela, who seems determined to disrupt his plans.*
Angela- Hey there, birthday boy! Where do you think you're sneaking off to?
*Tim tries to offer a nonchalant smile, hoping to brush off Angela.*
Tim- Oh, you know, just heading home.
Angela- Nonsense! You can't let your birthday go by without at least a little celebration. Come on, I've rounded up a few friends, and we're heading to the bar for a drink. You're coming with us.
*Tim hesitates, not wanting to make a scene but also not keen on the idea of a birthday celebration.*
Tim- Ang, really, it's not necessary. I'd rather just—
*Angela cuts him off, her tone playful but insistent.*
Angela-Nope, no arguments! You're coming, and that's final. Besides, it'll be good to unwind and have a little fun.
*Tim sighs, knowing that Angela won't take no for an answer.*
Tim- Alright, alright, you win. But just one drink, okay?
*Angela beams, satisfied with her victory.*
Angela- Deal! Now, go change and take a shower, you really need it.
*Tim chuckles*
Tim- Yeah, yeah, I know. I was just about to head there.
*As Tim finishes changing and freshening up, he feels a sense of anticipation mingled with reluctance. Despite his reservations about celebrating his birthday, he knows that spending time with Angela and the others will lift his spirits.
Exiting the locker room, Tim finds Angela waiting for him. With a resigned smile, he joins her, ready to embrace the evening ahead. Together, they make their way to the bar, where the warm glow of the lights and the buzz of conversation greet them.
Angela leads Tim to their group's table, where the others are already gathered, chatting animatedly. As they approach, Angela nudges Tim playfully, a mischievous glint in her eyes.*
Angela- Get ready, Tim. Your surprise is coming up soon.
*Tim lets out a resigned sigh, knowing that Angela won't let him forget it's his birthday, even if he'd prefer to keep it low-key. Nevertheless, he appreciates her efforts and braces himself for whatever she has planned.
As the evening progresses, Tim finds himself enjoying the company of his friends, the initial unease of being the center of attention fading away amidst the camaraderie and laughter. Angela's infectious energy proves to be a constant source of comfort, her presence a reminder of the unwavering support he has in his life.
As the night wears on, Angela's promised surprise arrives in the form of a decadent birthday cake adorned with flickering candles. Tim's cheeks flush with embarrassment as the room erupts into a chorus of "Happy Birthday".
Caught up in the moment, Tim leans over to Angela.*
Tim- I hate you.
*Angela flashes a mischievous grin, clearly delighted by Tim's reaction.*
Angela- Oh, come on, Tim! You love me deep down.
*Tim rolls his eyes, but there's a hint of amusement in his expression.*
Tim- Yeah, yeah, maybe just a little. But just so you know, I've already got some plans to make you pay for this.
*Angela laughs, knowing Tim's playful threat all too well.*
Angela- I'll be waiting, Tim.
*As Tim blows out the candles, he's initially caught up in the moment, the cheers and applause of his friends filling the room. It's only when Tim feels arms wrapping around him that he instinctively reaches up to hold onto them, his heart racing with a mixture of surprise and delight. The touch is familiar, comforting, and he finds himself leaning back slightly into the embrace, savoring the moment of closeness.*
?- What did you wish for?
Tim- For you to be here.
*He says, his words carrying the weight of his deepest desire. As Tim's mind registers that it's Lucy embracing him, his heart skips a beat with joy. Without a second thought, he jumps up from the chair he's sitting in, nearly knocking Lucy off her feet in his excitement. Ignoring any semblance of composure, Tim pulls her into the tightest hug possible, enveloping her in his arms as if trying to make up for all the time they've been apart.*
Tim- Lucy! I can't believe you're here!
*Tim's heart races with a mix of emotions as he holds Lucy tightly, feeling a rush of joy and relief at her unexpected presence. He can hardly believe that she's here, standing in front of him after what feels like an eternity of being apart. In that moment, the world around him seems to fade away, leaving only him and Lucy in their own little bubble of happiness.
Tim's voice is filled with genuine warmth and excitement as he speaks, his words tumbling out in a rush of emotion.*
Tim- I've missed you so much, Lucy. I can't believe you're really here. This is the best birthday surprise ever!
Lucy- I missed you too, Tim. I couldn't let your birthday go by without being here with you. Happy birthday.
(He would have visited her but at the UC-Academy you aren't allowed any guests and stuff like that)
*Her words are filled with sincerity, her voice soft and tender.
Tim's heart swells with warmth at Lucy's words, feeling a rush of love and gratitude for her presence.*
Tim- Thank you, Lucy. I can't tell you how much it means to me that you're here. And happy belated birthday to you too.
*Lucy smiles warmly at Tim's words, her eyes reflecting the depth of her affection for him.*
Lucy- Thank you, Tim. Just being here with you is the best gift I could ask for.
*She leans in to press a tender kiss to jaw, savoring the moment of closeness between them. (They keep their relationship private, so they don't show love, anger or anything else in front of other people)
As they mingle with their friends, Tim and Lucy remain close, their affection for each other evident in the way they exchange glances and small touches. Tim finds himself smiling more freely, his earlier apprehension about celebrating his birthday melting away in the warmth of Lucy's presence.
As they chat with their friends, Tim occasionally steals glances at Lucy, feeling a surge of gratitude for her unwavering support and love. Her presence by his side fills him with a sense of comfort and happiness that he hadn't realized he'd been missing.*
Tim- (to Lucy) let's go home
Lucy- what about our friends. They're here for you.
*Tim looks at Lucy with a soft smile, appreciating her concern for their friends.*
Tim- They'll understand. Besides, the only reason I'm here is because I know Angela would have dragged me here otherwise.
*Lucy returns his smile, understanding his desire for a more intimate celebration.*
Lucy- Alright, let's go home then.
*With a shared glance and a nod, Tim and Lucy say their goodbyes to their friends, thanking them for the enjoyable evening. Hand in hand, they make their way out of the bar and into the night, ready to continue celebrating Tim's birthday in the comfort of their own space.*
Tim- I can't wait to just put on the ugliest but most comfortable pair of sweatpants, hold you tight and enjoy being with you.
*Lucy chuckles softly, her heart warming at Tim's words as they continue their leisurely stroll to the car.*
Lucy- That sounds absolutely perfect. I'm looking forward to it too. Just being together like this feels like home.
*Tim smiles, his gaze softening as he looks at Lucy, a sense of gratitude washing over him for having her by his side.*
Tim- Yeah, it does. You're my home, Lucy.
*With their shared laughter lingering in the air like a gentle melody, Tim and Lucy finally reach Tims truck. Tim unlocks the door and holds it open for Lucy. She slides into the passenger seat, her smile radiant in the dim glow of the streetlights.*
Lucy- Thank you.
*Tim nods, a soft smile playing on his lips as he closes the door and makes his way to the driver's side. As he settles into the driver's seat, he steals a glance at Lucy, feeling a swell of warmth in his chest at the sight of her beside him.*
Tim- Ready to head home?
*Lucy nods, her eyes shining with anticipation as she reaches over to gently squeeze Tim's hand. With a sense of calmness settling over them. With the quiet conversation that fills the space between them. As they drive, their shared laughter and comfortable silence create a cocoon of intimacy, wrapping around them like a blanket of love, guiding them back to the sanctuary of their shared haven.
As they pull up to Lucy's favorite spot to grab some food, Lucy turns to Tim with a curious expression.*
Lucy- Where are we going? Is this...?
*Her voice trails off as she notices the familiar facade of her favorite restaurant.*
Tim- We're just picking up some food on our way home, your favorite place.
Lucy- Oh, Tim, you don't have to do that!
Tim- let the birthday boy (laughing a little), (serious) treat his beautiful, caring, kind-hearted, supportive, generous, thoughtful and most amazing girlfriend the way she deserves to be treated.
Lucy- You're too sweet.
Tim- You deserve every bit of it, Lucy. I'm just grateful to have you by my side.
*Tim pulls out his phone to place an online order so they don't have to go in until the food is ready.*
Tim- what would you like to eat?
*As Tim places their order online, Lucy considers her options, her mouth watering at the thought of their favorite dishes.*
Lucy- I'll have the chicken alfredo pasta, and let's add some garlic bread to share.
*Tim nods, adding Lucy's order to the cart before selecting his own.*
Tim- I'll go for a pepperoni and mushroom pizza, and how about we add some mozzarella sticks to share as well?
*Lucy's eyes light up with excitement at the suggestion.*
Lucy- That sounds perfect
*Tim completes their order and sets his phone aside, turning to Lucy with a smile.*
Tim- Now, we just have to wait for our delicious meal.
*Lucy leans back in her seat, feeling a sense of contentment wash over her.*
Tim- Thank you for making tonight so special. I couldn't ask for a better birthday celebration.
*Lucy smiles warmly at Tim's words, feeling a rush of affection for him.*
Lucy- I'm just glad to be here with you.
Tim- You make every moment special, Lucy. I'm grateful for you.
*Lucy smiles warmly at Tim's words, feeling a rush of affection for him. As he reaches over to gently brush a strand of hair from her face, their eyes meet, and in that silent exchange, they share the depth of their love and appreciation for each other.
In the quiet intimacy of the moment, Tim's touch sends a shiver of warmth through Lucy's body, like a burst of gentle sparks igniting within her. She feels her heart skip a beat as he cups her cheek, drawing her closer to him.
Their lips meet in a tender kiss, and as they do, it's as if a thousand tiny stars burst into existence around them, illuminating the darkness with their soft, radiant light. The kiss is sweet and gentle, filled with all the love and tenderness they feel for each other.
For a brief moment, the world around them fades away, leaving only the warmth of their embrace and the softness of their lips pressed together.
Time seems to stand still, their kisses growing more fervent with each passing moment. In the soft glow of the evening, they surrender to the intoxicating sweetness of their passion, their souls entwined in a symphony of love and desire.
But just as their passion reaches its peak, a gentle buzz from Tim's phone interrupts their embrace. Reluctantly, they pull away from each other, their breaths mingling in the air.
Tim checks his phone and smiles softly, his eyes meeting Lucy's with a mixture of longing and regret.*
Tim- Our food is ready to pick up.
*Lucy nods, her cheeks flushed with a delicate hue of warmth as she catches her breath, her gaze lingering on Tim with a silent plea for the moment to linger a little longer.
They walked through the bustling crowd, fingers intertwined, Tim's touch reassuring. The aroma of their favorite dishes filled the air as they approached the restaurant. Lucy's cheeks remained flushed from their shared moment.
Once they collected their food, they retreated to the car, their bond palpable. Unable to contain her excitement, Lucy eagerly opened the food container, giving in to her anticipation.*
Lucy- I'm sorry, Tim. I just can't wait! It smells so good.
*Tim chuckles softly, a fond smile gracing his lips as he watches Lucy's enthusiasm.*
Tim- It's... I don't blame you. Besides we should maybe eat it before it gets cold you know? (chuckling)
*They both indulge in the delicious aroma and taste of their favorite dishes, the warmth of the car adding to the cozy atmosphere.*
Lucy- Mmm, this is so good.
*She murmured between bites. Tim nodded in agreement, a satisfied smile gracing his lips as they shared the simple pleasure of their favorite meal in his car together.
As they savored their meal, Tim couldn't help but steal glances at Lucy, marveling at how her eyes lit up with each bite. The soft glow of the car's interior cast gentle shadows across her face, accentuating her features in a way that made Tim's heart flutter.*
Tim- Isn't it amazing how food can bring so much joy?
*Lucy nodded, a genuine smile playing on her lips as she glanced over at Tim.*
Lucy- Definitely. It's one of life's simple pleasures.
*Tim grinned in agreement, his eyes sparkling with warmth as he met Lucy's gaze.*
Tim- Especially when it's shared with someone special like you.
*A soft blush crept onto Lucy's cheeks at Tim's words, her heart swelling with affection for him.*
Lucy- You always know how to make even the simplest moments feel special.
*Tim's smile widened at Lucy's response, a sense of contentment washing over him.*
Tim- And you have a way of making every moment unforgettable, Lucy.
*Lucy looked at Tim with that familiar longing, but before she could ask, Tim handed her a slice of his pizza, knowing her preference without her needing to say a word.*
Tim- Here, try this. You'll love it.
Lucy- Thank you. You always know how to make me happy.
Tim- Anything for you. I just want to see you smile.
*As they finished their meal, the last traces of daylight began to fade, casting the world in a soft, ethereal glow. Tim and Lucy lingered in the car for a moment longer, savoring the warmth of each other's presence.*
Tim- How about we take a stroll on the beach? The night sky looks beautiful.
*Lucy's eyes lit up with excitement at the suggestion, her heart fluttering with anticipation.*
Lucy- I'd love that. It's been too long since we've had a quiet moment together like this.
*Tim smiled, reaching out to take Lucy's hand in his as they they drive to the beach.*
Tim- It's moments like these that remind me how lucky I am to have you in my life.
*Lucy squeezed Tim's hand gently, her heart overflowing with love for him.*
Lucy- I feel the same way. Being here with you, it's like everything else just fades away.
*As they walked along the shoreline, the moonlight casting a soft, silver glow over the sand, Tim and Lucy shared stories, dreams, and hopes for the future.*
Tim- I'm so grateful for moments like these. They make me realize what truly matters in life.
*Lucy nodded in agreement, her gaze fixed on the horizon as they walked hand in hand.*
Lucy- Me too.
*It got late and they drove home in comfortable silence, the gentle hum of the engine filling the car with a sense of peace. Occasionally stealing glances at each other, they shared soft smiles and exchanged looks*

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