Chapter 6: Bringing Water

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Xie Jiaran lived up to his words. He left twenty minutes early during afternoon practice to rush to the stadium. He didn't forget to stop by the supermarket first to buy a bottle of chilled soda water.

Probably due to inadequate promotion of the finals, the spectators were less than half of yesterday's crowd. However, even this number of people was still overwhelming for Xie Jiaran.

The game on the court was intense.

With a few minutes left until halftime, he stood on the outskirts away from the crowd, seriously considering how to deliver the water to the front row without making physical contact with anyone.

A sharp whistle pierced through the venue, and the referee signaled for a timeout. The first half was over. The Law Team scored another three-pointer in the last second, widening the gap between the two teams.

"I told you so. If our Liang Ge had just two percent more strength, those guys from the Chinese Department would have to bow down obediently and call him daddy. Plus, we'd have overtime, really spoiling them."

Xiao Chi struggled to lift his elbow and leaned on Liang Sunian's shoulder. The more than ten-centimeter height difference made his movements awkward and comical.

"Wow~" A sturdy guy, at least over six feet tall, walked over while holding the ball, pointing at Xiao Chi with amusement. "I told you I saw you at Mount Emei last time, but you didn't admit it."

Xiao Chi was puzzled, "When did I go to Mount Emei?"

The guy replied, "Back then, you were just like now, clearly short-handed and short-footed, yet you insisted on hanging out with a middle-aged tourist, arm in arm, calling each other brothers."

Xiao Chi: "???"

The guy continued, "All for the half-eaten banana in his hand."

Xiao Chi: "You're the one who's short-handed and short-footed."

Xiao Chi: "..."

Xiao Chi: "Damn, you're the monkey here!! Liu Maomao, are you looking for a fight? Don't think I won't beat you just because you're wearing a sissy pink shirt today!!!"

Liu Maomao grinned, "You're not short. You can jump and hit my knees. Also, let me correct you—this isn't "sissy pink," it's called "girly pink," the trendiest color this year."

"Jump your sister! Pink your mom!"

Xiao Chi, standing at 175 cm, was the shortest among them, and this topic hit his sore spot. He exploded as soon as it was mentioned, "Today, I'll show you what a brain-banging dunk is!"

Seeing the situation wasn't favorable, Mao Mao tactically retreated, and Xiao Chi chased after him. The two of them, yelling across the court, acted like kids.

"Two idiots."

Chen Wenyao walked over with two bottles of water, handing the unopened one to Liang Sunian. "It's almost the weekend. How about we go out for a big meal tonight to celebrate?"

He, Xiao Chi, and Liu Maomao were all Liang Sunian's former roommates, and their common interests were limited to basketball and dormitory gatherings.

Liang Sunian took the water, smiling. "What kind of rich family celebrates with a big meal every weekend? Can't we keep it simple?"

"Tsk tsk, if all the rich second-generation kids in the world thought like you, the world would be at peace."

Chen Wenyao chuckled as well, but his gaze suddenly stopped.

"Hey, Lao Liang." He patted Liang Sunian's arm with the back of his hand and nodded towards the back. "I don't have my glasses on, and my eyesight isn't great. Can you take a look? Is that your new roommate over there?"

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