Chapter 16: Silly or What

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Xie Jiaran bewilderedly leaned against Liang Sunian's chest.

Not quite realizing what was happening, he only felt the screams were particularly familiar, until the other person uttered his name in agony did he suddenly snap out of it.

Hastily moving to pull Liang Sunian's arm, "Wait, let go first, this is my friend!"

Liang Sunian eased his grip slightly, not fully releasing it, and turned to confirm with Xie Jiaran, "Is he really your friend?"

Xie Jiaran nodded affirmatively, "Yes, he's really my classmate, the one whose drawing board you just used in the studio."

Lin Shan, still wailing, chimed in, "Hey, Handsome, let go first. Let's talk properly. Don't be impulsive."

Only then did Liang Sunian relax his grip, furrowing his brow and putting on a apologetic expression, "Oops, sorry, classmate, are you okay?"

"It's fine, it's fine." Lin Shan rubbed his wrist, grimacing, "Luckily, I'm tough enough to withstand it. But, Handsome, you're too vigilant, aren't you? I didn't even touch you, and I got subdued by you in one move."

Liang Sunian chuckled casually, "Can't help it. Accidents happen more often in the quiet of the night. It's better to be cautious."

Lin Shan thought of something and tentatively asked with a blink, "The campus pervert?"

Xie Jiaran: "?"

Liang Sunian raised his eyebrows, and Lin Shan understood, clearing his throat and exclaimed loudly, "So Handsome, you know about it too."

Liang Sunian nodded, "I heard some rumors recently."

The two exchanged cryptic words, leaving Xie Jiaran completely puzzled, "What are you guys talking about?"

"A pervert sneaking into our school." Lin Shan explained to him, "He hides during the day, but as soon as night falls, he roams around. He even blocked students several times in the past few days."

Seeing Xie Jiaran's bewildered expression, Lin Shan thought he was scared, so he hurriedly reassured him, "I only heard about this today. But don't worry, that pervert has already been caught and taken to the police station."

"Caught today?" Liang Sunian asked.

"Yeah." Lin Shan said, "Just this morning, he was found hiding in a pile of trash next to the west gate old bookstore. When he was dug out, he looked so sloppy."

He clicked his tongue in disdain and redirected the topic to its origin, "By the way, I wanted to ask, why are you guys still wandering outside at this late hour?"

"Taking a walk." Liang Sunian casually pulled out his go-to excuse.

Lin Shan: "Just the two of you?"

Liang Sunian was about to answer when Xie Jiaran interrupted him, turning Lin Shan's question into one of his own, "What about you? Why haven't you returned to the dormitory at this time?"

Lin Shan improvised, "Me? I'm also taking a walk~ Ate too much dinner, need to digest."

Xie Jiaran: "Then were you looking for me just now?"

Lin Shan played along, glancing between the two of them and smiling, "No, no, nothing important. Just passing by, wanted to say hello to you."

Pretending to check the time, "Ah, it's past ten. I have to go find my boyfriend to get my coat. I'll leave first. Take your time strolling, no rush. The dormitory won't close for a while."

As he spoke, he briskly walked past them and soon disappeared from sight.

Liang Sunian noticed the mention of "boyfriend," a rare sight for a straight guy, so he curiously glanced at Xie Jiaran a few more times.

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