Chapter 27: Returning to School

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On Sunday afternoon, the two packed up and headed back to school.

As the taxi passed a milk tea shop not far from the school gate, Liang Sunian noticed a small blackboard outside the shop with colorful fluorescent pen writing: "New Fruit Boba Tea Launched, Welcome to Try!"

"I'll treat you to milk tea."

He pointed at the shop window, enthusiasm evident in his voice. "They have a new flavor. Let's try it."

Xie Jiaran looked in the direction he was pointing and nodded. "Okay."

As they got off the taxi, a bus parked by the roadside was just leaving. Liang Sunian took a look at the license plate and chuckled. "What a coincidence, it's the bus our class booked for the trip to Huashan. They're back too."

However, they were a bit late; most of the people had already gotten off the bus.

Liang Sunian glanced around but didn't see Xiao Chi and the others. Instead, he caught the eye of someone else.

Yueyue's eyes lit up when she saw Liang Sunian.

Carrying a pink bag, she jogged over to them but stopped short when she noticed Xie Jiaran as well. "You guys..."

"We just went out for a meal," Liang Sunian said. "Do you need something?"

Yueyue nodded, blushing as she handed over the bag with both hands. "Thank you for your jacket."

"No need."

Liang Sunian didn't take the bag, instead, he directly took out the jacket and draped it over his arm. "It gets cold on the mountain. Remember to bring warm clothes next time you go out."

Yueyue hesitated, awkwardly retracting the bag.

She didn't leave immediately, though. Gathering her courage, she said, "Can I treat you... both to milk tea? Just to show my gratitude, nothing more!"

Liang Sunian replied, "We're pretty full from dinner, can't drink more now. Appreciate the thought, maybe next time."

"Alright then."

Disappointment flickered in Yueyue's eyes. She muttered a farewell and turned to leave.

After waiting a bit to ensure she was gone, Liang Sunian turned to ask Xie Jiaran what flavor he wanted, only to find him staring at the jacket in his hand, lost in thought.

His mind seemed to be wandering, his brow furrowed, and there was a hint of displeased coldness on his face.

Xie Jiaran himself didn't know why he felt so irritated.

He remembered the girl from the first time she came to the court looking for Liang Sunian.

He had seen Liang Sunian wear that jacket many times, and it looked really good on him.

Liang Sunian looked good in everything.

But he couldn't imagine it on another girl, even if it was just out of kindness between classmates—

"What's wrong?"

His chin was gently scratched, interrupting his chaotic and illogical thoughts.

Xie Jiaran looked up to see Liang Sunian watching him, his amber eyes reflecting a soft, beautiful glow in the sunlight.

"Are you upset?"

"No," Xie Jiaran instinctively denied. He wasn't upset.

Liang Sunian drawled out an "Oh," and said, "Then why the cold face?"

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