Chapter 7: Locker Room

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Li Tang feels that he's doomed.

A guy being inexplicably voted as the campus belle would be uncomfortable for anyone.

Xie Jiaran clicked on the campus belle post.

Li Tang's heart was in his throat as he nervously glanced at Xie Jiaran's expression.
He expected a storm to follow, thinking Xie Jiaran would throw his phone in anger any second now—

But Xie Jiaran just glanced at it calmly, then exited the post, and instead opened the campus heartthrob post without even a twitch of his eyebrows.


This wasn't what he expected at all.

Li Tang scratched his head, utterly bewildered, "Aren't you angry?"

Xie Jiaran looked puzzled, "Why should I be angry?"

Li Tang struggled to find words, "Well, they, the voting, calling you the campus belle... it doesn't make you angry at all?"

Xie Jiaran continued browsing the post and replied calmly, "It's just a joke. It hasn't affected my life, so there's no need to be angry."

Li Tang blinked repeatedly, then silently mouthed "wow."

He had underestimated him.

Despite being a fastidious, hard-to-please "little princess," Xie Jiaran surprisingly had a good temper.

"What's this?"

Xie Jiaran pointed at something he didn't understand and asked Li Tang, "The voting is already over, so why is this voting channel still open?"

"Oh, that's called, um, 'daily voting' or something like that."

Li Tang gave a clumsy explanation, "This voting channel never closes. Everyone can vote once a day, and doing tasks can earn you two votes. If you don't want the person you support to be overtaken, you need to keep voting daily to widen the gap as much as possible."

Xie Jiaran saw that Liang Sunian had nearly two thousand more votes than the second place.

"Isn't it a hassle to vote every day?" he asked.

"Nah! It's just a matter of tapping your finger." Li Tang said, "Everyone's still in the initial excitement phase, so they probably just find it fun."

After hearing this, Xie Jiaran nodded thoughtfully.

Next, Xie Jiaran logged into a forum account with a default system username and swiftly cast his vote for Liang Sunian.


A question mark slowly appeared in Li Tang's mind.

Xie Jiaran looked at him again, "How do I complete the task to earn another vote?"


Li Tang was dumbfounded.

In a daze, he taught Xie Jiaran how to complete the tasks. When the neighboring dorm came to ask Li Tang to join them for a five-man game, he floated over with unsteady steps.

The world felt too surreal; he needed to cool down in the canyon.

High school PE classes were highly anticipated, but in the university, it was the opposite. At the end of September, Jincheng was still under the rule of intense heat. The sunlight baked the air, making it hot and oppressive.

Xie Jiaran was slowly doing warm-up exercises. Su Xiaoyue was in front of him, sharing a small packet of sunscreen with her friends.

"Didn't the weather forecast say it would definitely rain today? It's so unreliable again."

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