Chapter 23: Drunk

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"Got forced to drink a few more by some mischievous friends, but I'm not drunk," Liang Sunian said, closing his eyes briefly and reaching up to pinch his nose.

Xie Jiaran tilted his head, scrutinizing him. Liang Sunian stood quietly in place, seemingly forgetting what he was supposed to do for quite a while.

Just when Xie Jiaran was about to remind him, Liang Sunian suddenly looked at him, as if remembering something. "Oh, right, I need to take a shower first. A smelly person doesn't deserve to stay in Room 305."

Xie Jiaran: "......"

So "not very drunk" can simply be called "not drunk"?

Xie Jiaran had never taken care of a drunk person before, but seeing Liang Sunian like this, he probably didn't need much care.

So, he turned his head to watch him methodically open the closet, take out his pajamas, and then enter the bathroom. Meanwhile, Xie Jiaran replied to Lin Shan's messages, keeping an ear out for any sounds from the bathroom, ready to act at the first sign of trouble.

The sound of running water continued for nearly twenty minutes before it stopped, followed by the brief hum of a hairdryer, and finally the sound of the door opening and damp footsteps.

However, the footsteps only lasted a few steps before they stopped, and no more sounds came. No one entered the room.

Xie Jiaran, feeling distracted, began to glance frequently towards the balcony. After a while, he couldn't resist putting down his phone and walking over.

The person he found standing silently on the balcony, leaning against the railing, was Liang Sunian. He was looking out into the dark night, seemingly lost in thought, and only turned his head when he heard the sound. The night breeze lifted his bangs, revealing more of his smooth forehead.

Xie Jiaran was momentarily stunned, his gaze lingering on Liang Sunian's face before shifting to his damp hair tips.

It's easy to catch a cold if you blow-dry your hair like this when it's still wet, he thought hazily.

The balcony's light was a bit dim, making it hard for him to see whether Liang Sunian's hair was partially or fully dry.

As he reached out to check, Liang Sunian stood up straight, intercepting his hand mid-movement and naturally holding it in his palm.

He examined it like an interesting object, turning it over and squeezing it. Just as Xie Jiaran uncomfortably tried to withdraw his hand, Liang Sunian let go, only to lift his hand and scratch under Xie Jiaran's chin.

The alcohol-muddled brain of Liang Sunian didn't register Xie Jiaran's body stiffening. His finger brushed gently along the jawline, lightly grazing the cool earlobe.

Xie Jiaran stared at Liang Sunian, taking in the hazy amusement in his eyes, his breath slowing.

A cool breeze passed, dispersing some of the fog in Liang Sunian's eyes. His brows furrowed, as if he wanted to say something, but clarity only lasted a second before confusion pulled him back. He frowned, withdrew his hand, and forgot what he was going to say.

Xie Jiaran quietly exhaled, taking a half-step back so the damp smell wouldn't be so overpowering.

"If you're dizzy, you should go to sleep," he said. "You'll feel better after resting."

Liang Sunian's reaction was slow. He stared at Xie Jiaran for a while before nodding and agreeing, turning to head back inside.

Xie Jiaran looked at the darkness that Liang Sunian had been gazing at, then touched his own earlobe.

It wasn't cool anymore; it was starting to heat up.

Liang Sunian had an impressive tolerance for alcohol. He wasn't talkative or troublesome when drunk and didn't make a scene. When told to go to bed, he obediently climbed in and lay down, never causing any trouble.

Xie Jiaran checked on him a few times. Liang Sunian remained in the same position, lying on his stomach, seemingly facing his direction, with the blanket neatly folded at the other end of the bed, not even thinking to pull it over himself.


How silly.

Autumn nights had begun to cool down, with a bit of chill in the early hours. Liang Sunian, wearing shorts and a t-shirt, could very well wake up cold if he slept like this until midnight.

Xie Jiaran got up and went to his bedside, lifting the mosquito net and pulling the blanket over him. When he turned his head, the person lying with his arm curled under his pillow was lazily watching him with half-open eyes.

Xie Jiaran quietly recalled how his mother would take care of Uncle Lu when he came home drunk and softly asked Liang Sunian, "Do you want to drink some water before you sleep?"

Liang Sunian let out a muffled "mm" from his nose.

Xie Jiaran took his cup, filled it with warm water, and brought it back to the bedside to hand it to him.

Liang Sunian didn't take it immediately. He turned his head to look at Xie Jiaran, who was looking up at him, and tapped the pillow thoughtfully with his fingers a couple of times. His eyes suddenly brightened slightly as he remembered what he had wanted to say but had forgotten on the balcony.

Seeing him prop himself up slightly and reach out, Xie Jiaran moved the cup closer to make it easier for him.

However, Liang Sunian bypassed the cup entirely, his fingers locking around Xie Jiaran's wrist, gently pulling him closer. He leaned in, his right elbow resting on the edge of the bed, fingers lifting Xie Jiaran's chin, thumb brushing from his cheek to the edge of his lips.

"Little kitten," he said with a joyful curve to his mouth, "don't you always meow non-stop whenever you see me?"

Taking advantage of their close proximity, he pressed his forehead against Xie Jiaran's, their noses almost touching. Surrounded by Liang Sunian's breath, Xie Jiaran's mind quietly stopped working.

He stared blankly into those deep, beautiful eyes, his heart skipping a beat as he felt the touch on his lips.

Liang Sunian's thumb pressed gently at the corner of his mouth. His smile was filled with affection, teasing, and a hint of coaxing. "Be good, meow for me?"

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