Chapter 25: Retracing Steps

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Plum Sauce Wine: [Huh?]

Plum Sauce Wine: [Can I ask why? QAQ]

Xie Jiaran didn't want to elaborate, so he replied succinctly:

Jiaran: [It's not appropriate. I should have considered this earlier. My apologies.]

Jiaran: [Sorry for taking so much of your time. To make up for it, I'll draw you a free avatar.]

Plum Sauce Wine: [Oh, it's okay!]

Plum Sauce Wine: [You don't need to refund the deposit! I'm just happy to have an appointment with you! How about you still draw my boyfriend, but not the mixed version. Just make him look as good as possible!]

After agreeing, Xie Jiaran apologized again and saved the photo of the girl's boyfriend from their previous conversation.

When he passed Liang Sunian's classroom again, the class had already ended. He glanced inside but didn't see anyone, so he stood on the small balcony by the door and sent a message.

"How did you know I had a class here?"

Liang Sunian came out quickly, holding a class roster he hadn't yet put away.

Xie Jiaran handed over the milk tea. "I was in the next building and saw you when I passed by."

"For me?" Liang Sunian raised an eyebrow.
Xie Jiaran nodded.

He couldn't quite explain why he had bought the milk tea, but seeing Liang Sunian staring at him, he quickly changed the subject: "This?"
He pointed at the roster. "Does your class have an activity?"

"Yeah," Liang Sunian said. "We have exams next week, so the class activity was moved to this weekend. We're going to Huashan for the hot springs."

"This weekend? But today's already Friday. Will you have time to book a hotel?"

"No worries," Liang Sunian waved his hand. "My family has a small hotel there, and we've reserved the rooms."


Huashan is one of the top holiday spots in the country. How could his hotel there be considered "small"?

Xie Jiaran paused for a moment before asking, "Are you leaving today?"

"Yes, I need to go back to the dorm and pack after class."

Liang Sunian paused and suddenly asked, "Do you have any plans this weekend? If not, do you want to join us? It's fun there, and you can share a room with me."

"No need," Xie Jiaran declined. "I have a group project to work on this weekend. Have fun."
Besides, it was their class activity; what would he do there as an outsider?

"Alright," Liang Sunian didn't insist. "The market there is quite unique. I'll send pictures in the dorm group. If you see anything you like, let me know, and I'll bring it back for you."

He started back to the classroom, then remembered something and turned around to wave. "Oh, thanks for the milk tea. Next time, it's my treat."

Xie Jiaran lowered his gaze and scratched his hand absentmindedly.

"No need to thank me."


Li Tang went with Shen Xuehao to a club social event and wouldn't be back until at least ten. Liang Sunian had already left for Huashan, so Xie Jiaran was the only one left in room 305.

After school, he had dinner with Lin Shan, then instead of heading back to the dorm, he went to the studio to continue working on his unfinished painting of the basketball court.

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