Chapter 12: Teen Romance

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Only half of Liang Sunian's words were correct.

On the way back to the dormitory, indeed, no one saw them, but it wasn't because there was no one on the road. It was because everyone was busy with their own affairs, and no one had any spare attention to give to them.

From the art building to the dormitory building, you have to pass by the library, the scenic lake, the green avenue, and a long tree-lined path.

They had just passed the scenic lake, and they had already seen at least five couples.

Either they were embracing and kissing in the pavilion, holding hands and strolling along the lakeside, or sitting intimately together on a bench whispering softly. Occasionally, the sound of laughter would drift over on the wind, adding a touch of youthful charm to the quiet night.

When Xie Jiaran saw the first and second couples, he could still look straight ahead. But when he saw the third, fourth, and even the fifth couple, his mood underwent a subtle change.

He had just hugged Liang Sunian in the studio, and now he was holding hands with him on this road full of couples, walking leisurely back...

It felt strange.

He lowered his head and, under the faint streetlights obscured by lush foliage, looked at the tightly clasped hands. He hesitated whether to pull his hand out, but suddenly, the glaring beam of a flashlight shone on his face.

The light flashed across his eyes, and he instinctively closed them and turned his head aside to avoid it.

Before he could react to what was happening, he heard a somewhat annoyed "tsk" sound in his ear, followed by Liang Sunian pulling him and starting to run wildly.

"???" Xie Jiaran was bewildered as he was dragged forward, with the sound of rushing wind in his ears.

He was far less physically fit than Liang Sunian. By the time they stopped at the entrance of the dormitory building, he was already bent over, unable to straighten his back and gasping for breath, while Liang Sunian remained composed, his face neither flushed nor panting.

"It's less than 800 meters. Mr. Xie Jiaran, you need to improve your physical fitness." Liang Sunian, the instigator, helped him along his back, sincerely suggesting, "How about considering morning jogging if you can't pass exams in the morning in the future?"

"..." Xie Jiaran, who had never felt the urge to roll his eyes at someone before, straightened his back and asked breathlessly, "Why did we run?"

"If we get caught by the couple catchers, we'll be invited to the principal's office for tea if we don't run. Do you want to go?" Rarely did Liang Sunian, his roommate who seemed indifferent to worldly affairs, show such vigorous passion, which aroused Xie Jiaran's curiosity, and he glanced at him with interest.

The words spoken in the studio were not polite; he was indeed very good-looking.

"Liang Sunian, we're not a couple." Xie Jiaran felt a little exhausted. "And even if we were, we're already in college. Being over eighteen doesn't count as teenage romance, and even if we're discovered, we won't be invited to the principal's office for tea."

"Oh, right." Liang Sunian belatedly smiled, rubbing Xie Jiaran's hair. "Sorry, sorry, it's because I was chased too fiercely in high school, and my reflexes haven't changed."

Xie Jiaran was even more puzzled: "Chased too fiercely?"

"Yeah." Liang Sunian scratched his nose, looking very innocent. "There's a snack bar right across the road from the fence, and their skewers are especially delicious."


Xie Jiaran was speechless for a long time.
Finally, he silently turned around. "Let's go back. The dorm supervisor is about to lock the door."

Back in the dormitory and finished washing up, Xie Jiaran lay on his bed and opened his phone, only to find that Lin Shan had sent him several messages over two hours ago:

Your Shan Shan: Wow, bro, you pulled off a big stunt without making a sound! That curve you threw was too sudden, I almost got thrown off the bike / thumbs up / thumbs up / thumbs up

Your Shan Shan: You truly deserve to be the campus belle of Qing University! Hehe!

Your Shan Shan: Quick, tell me how you managed to get together with my idol? I'm so curious!!! Don't worry, I, Lin Shan, am known for being tight-lipped. I guarantee that even a shovel won't pry it open!

X.: ?

Your Shan Shan: Don't deny it, I wanted to bring you a cake just now, but accidentally saw everything / blush / blush

X.: ......

X.: You've misunderstood, I'm just——

Xie Jiaran hesitated for a moment in the address here.

After several considerations, he deleted the word "roommate" and rephrased:

X.: I'm just friends with him.

Your Shan Shan: !!!

Your Shan Shan: Unbelievable! Besides me, there's actually someone else at school who you call a friend!

Your Shan Shan: Ah, the sweet scent of adultery~

X.: Shan Shan, I'm serious, I'm just friends with Liang Sunian.

Your Shan Shan: I get it, friends who can sit on each other's laps and bite each other's necks, I'm an experienced person, I understand it all.

X.: .......

Sitting on each other's laps was indeed true, undeniable.

But what's with biting each other's necks?

Your Shan Shan: Jiaran, I'm not an outsider, so don't be shy with me.

Your Shan Shan: I didn't think about it before, but now I have only one thought, you two are just too perfect together, like Niulang and Zhinv, Dong Yong and the Seven Fairies, Erlang Shen and the Xiaotian Dog!

Your Shan Shan: No wonder my idol has never accepted the advances of any girl for so long. It turns out he had already embraced the campus belle early on, hehehe

Although it was very weak, Xie Jiaran still wanted to struggle a bit:

X.: We didn't bite each other's necks. Sitting together was just because... he had nowhere else to sit.

Your Shan Shan: Ah——there's such a big classroom and nowhere to sit?

Lin Shan retracted this sentence less than a second after sending it, and after re-editing, sent it again:

Your Shan Shan: / Shh, pretending not to know, I get it now.

Your Shan Shan: Last time when I went to my boyfriend's house, it wasn't because there was nowhere to sit~ hehehe / penguin circling / penguin circling

...Forget it.

Futile struggles are equivalent to wasting time and resources.

Lin Shan is a person who can keep secrets. Let's explain slowly later.

Xie Jiaran resigned himself to putting down his phone and preparing to cultivate sleepiness.
Just as he closed his eyes, he heard a call from below: "Brother Liang, what's that thing in your hand?"

Liang Sunian: "What thing?"

"This thing." Li Tang was probably pointing with his fingers and chuckled, "Oh, it's a little strawberry! Tsk tsk, Brother Liang, you're already so old, and you're still playing with these girly stickers?"

At first, before Li Tang's exclamation, Xie Jiaran hadn't realized what was so surprising. But after hearing the keyword "little strawberry," his heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Oops, he forgot to remind Liang Sunian about the paint on his hand.

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