Chapter 26: Hug Me

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The dormitory would be without water until the next morning. To ensure his precious little princess could sleep well tonight, it was clear they couldn't stay in the dormitory any longer.

The vicinity of the school was filled with small inns, but Liang Sunian didn't consider them. He directly took a taxi with Xie Jiaran to the nearest star-rated hotel.

Seeing that Xie Jiaran's condition seemed bad, Liang Sunian didn't dare let him walk. He carried him on his back for the short distances before and after getting in and out of the taxi.

Occasionally, he felt the higher temperature of Xie Jiaran's cheek against his own. He turned his head to feel it more closely and furrowed his brow. "Xie Jiaran, are you running a fever?"

"I don't know," Xie Jiaran replied in a tired, indistinct voice.

Liang Sunian asked, "How are you feeling now? Besides your usual symptoms, is there anywhere else that feels uncomfortable?"

"A bit," Xie Jiaran replied. "My head is very dizzy, and I have no strength."

"Got it." Liang Sunian adjusted his hold on him. "It's okay, we'll be at the hotel soon. If you're sleepy, just rest on my shoulder."

"I'm not sleepy." Xie Jiaran tightened his grip around Liang Sunian's neck. "I slept a lot this afternoon in the dorm."

Liang Sunian soothed him, "Even if you're not sleepy, you can close your eyes and rest. You're dizzy, right? A little nap will help."

Xie Jiaran leaned on his shoulder and obediently closed his eyes.

They booked a suite. Liang Sunian had Xie Jiaran sit on the sofa while he asked the hotel staff for a thermometer to check his temperature.

It read 37.5°C—he indeed had a fever.

"Do you need to go to the hospital?" Liang Sunian crouched in front of Xie Jiaran and asked.

Xie Jiaran, hating the hassle and fearing the fuss, hugged his knees and shook his head weakly. "I don't want to go. It's just a low fever."

"Okay, we won't go then. I'll go downstairs to a nearby pharmacy to get you some medicine. You stay here and wait for me."

Liang Sunian patted his head and stood up, but as he was about to turn around, his hand was grabbed.

Xie Jiaran looked up at him, hesitated for a moment, then slowly let go, only to catch his hand again less than an inch away.

Avoiding Liang Sunian's gaze, Xie Jiaran said, "I'll be fine after a nap. I don't need any medicine."

His long eyelashes cast shadows under his eyes, and his lightly pursed lips made him look pitiful.

Liang Sunian could easily read his intentions. A hint of helplessness flashed in his eyes, but he didn't expose him.

"Alright," he said, holding Xie Jiaran's hand again. "I just remembered there's no pharmacy nearby. Going down would be a waste of time. Let's just order a same-day delivery."

He picked the nearest pharmacy, and as if it had been waiting downstairs, the medicine arrived within ten minutes of ordering.

After taking a bath and watching Xie Jiaran take his medicine, Liang Sunian asked, "Ready for bed now?"

Xie Jiaran looked exhausted, his brows furrowed with fatigue, but he still insisted on shaking his head. "I already slept a lot this afternoon."

Liang Sunian didn't quite understand the connection between sleeping in the afternoon and not sleeping at night, but he went along with it. "Alright, if you don't want to sleep now, then don't."

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