Chapter 33: Ge

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Liang Sunian didn't see anyone, and just as he was about to take out his phone to make a call, a figure flickered on the balcony. Xie Jiaran, looking slender and frail, stood there with wet hair, responding, "I'm here."

Liang Sunian's eyes immediately scanned his knee injury, and he hissed, furrowing his brow deeply, "Did you take a shower?"

Before Xie Jiaran could nod, Liang Sunian had already stridden over, squatted down, and carefully examined his injury.

Indeed, it was very fresh, with no signs of scabbing. The recent hot shower had made it look even redder and more vivid.

Liang Sunian looked up at Xie Jiaran, who was also looking down at him, with clean, innocent eyes.


Liang Sunian suddenly felt a surge of emotions similar to that of a heartbroken father.

Taking a deep breath, he asked, "Where's the medicine?"

Xie Jiaran pointed to the table.

Liang Sunian turned to get the medicine, and Xie Jiaran hesitated for a few seconds before slowly following him. Just as he was about to stop, Liang Sunian picked him up like a child and placed him on the table.

Now much shorter, Xie Jiaran had to look up to see him.

Holding a white towel, with wet bangs on his forehead and a pale face, Xie Jiaran looked at him unblinkingly, like a delicate porcelain doll, his clear cold appearance mixed with an obedient look.

Any lingering anger Liang Sunian had evaporated.

He sighed helplessly.

Unable to be harsh, he resignedly picked up the towel to dry Xie Jiaran's hair, "Xie Jiaran, are you stupid? It's common knowledge that new wounds shouldn't get wet. Didn't it hurt?"

"I knew it would hurt," Xie Jiaran said, lowering his head, submitting his head to him, "but it felt dirty, and I was uncomfortable."

"What dirt? Even if you didn't bathe for a month, you'd still be cleaner than anyone else."

Liang Sunian, exhausted, realized that being overly clean wasn't always good.

He put down the towel, pulled a chair over, and sat in front of Xie Jiaran, placing his injured leg on his own. Using a cotton swab dipped in the ointment, he held the boy's slender ankle easily, concentrating on applying the medicine.

As soon as the medicine touched the wound, a sharp pain made Xie Jiaran gasp softly, instinctively trying to withdraw his leg, but Liang Sunian held him in place.

His hand moved up to grip Xie Jiaran's calf more firmly, preventing him from escaping, his voice rising, "Does it hurt now? How did you endure it while showering?"

Xie Jiaran couldn't argue, pursing his lips in silence.

Liang Sunian initially wanted to say more, but when he glanced at Xie Jiaran's slightly red eyes, his heart softened again.

Unable to continue his lecture, he gently soothed him, "Alright, alright, it's fine. Just bear with it for a bit, it won't hurt soon. I'll be gentler, don't be scared."

He carefully applied more ointment, gently spreading it over the wound.

Just as the pain started, a cooling sensation followed, reducing the pain significantly.

While applying the medicine, Liang Sunian gently blew on the wound, focusing intently, his touch becoming even lighter to avoid causing more pain.

From his vantage point, Xie Jiaran could see Liang Sunian's concentrated expression.

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