Wonshua - Hearts Unveiled (Part-1)

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Joshua Hong sat on the couch in the living room, fingers clenched tightly around a framed photo of him and his father. The room, once filled with the warmth of his and his father's booming voice, now felt unbearably cold and empty. His father's illness had cast a long, dark shadow over their lives, and Joshua struggled to find light in the midst of it all.

Mr. Hong entered the room, his face etched with worry. Despite his own impending fate, his concern for Joshua's future consumed him. The sound of the door closing behind him jolted Joshua from his thoughts.

"Joshua," his father began softly, "I need to talk to you about something very important."

Joshua looked up, his eyes red-rimmed from sleepless nights and silent tears. "What is it, Dad?"

"I've spoken to Mr. Jeon and he suggested something... unconventional, but it would secure your future," Mr. Hong said, his voice wavering.

Joshua's heart raced. The unknown often felt like a greater enemy than the illness threatening to take his father. "What do you mean?"

"Mr. Jeon suggested that you'll marry his son, Wonwoo. He's a successful CEO, and I know he would take good care of you," Mr. Hong explained, his eyes pleading for understanding.

The words hit Joshua like a physical blow. Marry Wonwoo? The whole country knew Wonwoo Jeon as a cold and ruthless businessman. Joshua's dreams of finishing university and making his own path seemed to crumble in an instant.

"Dad, I..." Joshua started, but his father's frail hand reached out, covering his own.

"Please, Joshua. Trust me on this. Wonwoo isn't as cold as he seems. He's a good man, and he will protect you when I can't," Mr. Hong said, his voice breaking.

Reluctantly, Joshua nodded, the weight of his father's plea heavy on his heart. "Alright, Dad. I'll do it for you."

Jeon Wonwoo sat in his office, the city skyline stretching out behind him. His father's proposal still echoed in his mind marriage To Joshua Hong. He respected
Mr. Hong deeply, but marriage wasn't something he believed in, much less to a man he barely knew.

He agreed out of respect, but he set boundaries. When Joshua walked into the restaurant where they came to meet, Wonwoo wasted no time.

"I'll marry you because it's my father's wish, and I respect Mr. Hong. But let's be clear, this will be over in a year," Wonwoo stated coldly.

Joshua's face fell, but he quickly masked his hurt with a forced smile. "I understand," he lied, for his father's sake.

As the months passed, their wedding day arrived. The ceremony was grand, a spectacle of wealth and tradition, yet devoid of true joy. Joshua's heart ached as he watched Wonwoo interact with everyone but him. The man he had married wouldn't even glance his way.

That night, as they moved into their new home, a lavish gift from their parents, Wonwoo's indifference cut deeper. "Choose any room you like," he said curtly, disappearing into his own.

Joshua stood alone in the hallway, the silence of the house pressing down on him. Tears threatened to spill, but he fought them back. He had made a promise to his father, and he would endure this cold marriage for as long as necessary.

The months that followed were a blur of silent dinners and lonely nights. Joshua's father's condition worsened, and Joshua spent every moment he could by his side. Despite his own pain, he wore a brave face, reassuring his father that he was happy.

When Mr. Hong passed away, Joshua's world shattered once more. At the funeral, Wonwoo stood by his side, a silent pillar of strength, but his eyes held no warmth. Joshua felt like a ghost, drifting through a life that wasn't truly his own.

As they returned home that night, Joshua collapsed onto his bed, the weight of his grief and loneliness crushing him. He had lost his father, his only family, and the man he was married to was nothing more than a stranger.

In the darkness, Joshua whispered to himself, "I'll survive this. For you, Dad. I'll find my way."

Days turned into weeks, and life carried on with a cold, mechanical precision. Wonwoo remained distant, immersed in his work. Joshua continued his studies, throwing himself into his coursework to numb the pain.

One evening, as Joshua was preparing dinner, Wonwoo unexpectedly walked into the kitchen. There was an unusual softness in his eyes, something Joshua hadn't seen before.

"How are you holding up?" Wonwoo asked, his voice lacking its usual edge.

Surprised, Joshua looked up. "I'm... managing," he replied cautiously.

Wonwoo nodded, an awkward silence stretching between them. "I know this isn't easy. For either of us."

Joshua's eyes met Wonwoo's, searching for any sign of sincerity. "Why did you agree to this marriage if you didn't want it?"

Wonwoo sighed, leaning against the counter. "I respect your father. And mine. I thought I was doing the right thing. But I never considered how hard it would be for you."

Wonwoo's wedding outfit

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Wonwoo's wedding outfit

            Joshua's wedding outfit

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            Joshua's wedding outfit

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