Ch. 4: Mugged

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Later that night, Eda was at the table, filling paperwork to get Luz into school. She knew she needed to do this, it could be a great way to get Luz to break out of her shell and get her some friends. God knows the girl needs some. Eda heard a small animal and looked up from the papers and saw a small brown owl. One of the two she has that she raised. This one was fairly young, but he was also the easiest one to train.

"What is it Owlbert, I'm busy?" Eda asked.

Owlbert let out a hoot, which caused Eda to stand up and run to Luz's room. When she entered Luz's room, she saw that the place was empty and the window was open.

"Damn it!"

On the streets of Manhattan, Luz walked around with a dark blue hoodie, a black shirt, black pants, black boots, black gloves, and a black scarf mask. She didn't care what her aunt said, she was going to find the person responsible. She may not know his name, but that face... she would never forget his face, his horrific face with that scar over his eyebrow, that star tattoo next to his eye... she doesn't care how long it will take, she doesn't care if she has to go through every criminal in the whole of the city, she's going to find him. She heard a scream and ran to an alleyway, where a girl about her age was getting mugged by a group of thugs. One of the people mugging her grabbed her by the collar and punched her, knocking her to the ground.

"We said give us your money!" He said.

"I... I don't have any!" She said.

"You mean to tell me that the daughter of the wealthy Blight Family doesn't have money? Don't make me laugh." One said, holding a crowbar, "Now, why don't you give us what we want."

"Hey!" Luz said, "Back away from her."

"Who the hell are you?" One asked.

"I'm the one that's going to kick your ass." Luz said.

'Maybe they know where I can find the person that killed my mom.' Luz thought.

"Some wannabe hero." Another one said, "Fine, you'll die just like the last person that tried to play hero."

One charged at Luz, but she sidestepped him. She put her arms around his head and threw him to the ground. Another ran at Luz and she ducked his punch, before standing up and throwing her own punch. The mugger stumbled back and held his jaw.

"Alright, I've had enough of this." He said, "Rush her!"

Several muggers ran at Luz. Luz caught the strike from one and flipped him over her shoulder, before throwing a punch at the stomach of another, before she was tackled by three others. They began to punch and kick her, before the main guy walked up with a crowbar.

"Get her up."

They picked Luz up and placed her on her knees. They took off her mask and pulled her hood down. He swung the crowbar, hitting Luz in the stomach, making her cough up blood.

"Dumb kid." The mugger said.

The mugger raised the crowbar and swung, aiming for Luz's head... but it was stopped.

"Hey, jackass, that's MY dumb kid." Eda said.

Eda pulled the crowbar out of the man's hand and kicked him away from Luz.

"Hey, back off you old hag, you might break a hip."

"Yeah... yours." Eda said.

Eda through the crowbar and it got embedded in the brick wall behind him. He was distracted, and terrified, by it, giving Eda the perfect chance to run and deliver a strong punch to his jaw, knocking him out. Eda watched as he dropped, before ducking a punch from behind. She ducked under the guys arm and grabbed his wrist, pinning his arm behind his back. Eda sent her foot back, sending the end of her heel into a would be attacker's knee. She used her free hand to grab him while he hopped on one leg, and then pulled him back and slammed their heads together, knocking them out. Eda saw one left and ran at them. She jumped and delivered a jumping spin kick, right to his head, knocking him out. She turned to Luz.

"I... I'm in trouble, aren't I?" Luz asked.

Eda put a thumb on Luz's chin and wiped the blood off.

"Oh, you're in more than trouble." Eda said, before turning to the other girl, "You're Alador's kid, right? Amity or something like that?"

Amity nodded.

"Well, come with us, you got a nasty shiner." Eda said, motioning to Amity's black eye, "I'll call your parents when I get that taken care of."

The three began walking off.

"'Old Hag'... what a bastard, I'm only 46, my hair hasn't even turned gray yet!"

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