Ch. 18: Old Flame

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"Earlier today a travesty occurred at Midtown High." A new Reporter said, "57 confirmed kills, consisting of faculty and students alike, as well as hundreds injured. Any attempts for the police to access the building were met with heavy gunfire, many officers lost their lives in this tragedy. When they finally gained access to the building, they found nearly thirty suspects... covered in webs. Many of you may know, this is not the first time this... Webslinger... as other are calling this mysterious vigilante, has made an appearance. They were rumored to be the one that captured notorious criminal, Dennis Carradine, who is believed to have kill former Blight Industries Scientist, Camila Noceda."

Eda shut off the TV and looked at Luz.

"Luz... I'm getting very close to a heart attack that WILL be fatal." Eda said, before receiving a knock on the door, "Luz, go up to your room, I have to get that."

Luz quietly stood up and went upstairs to the apartment, leaving the Café empty. Eda opened the door, expecting to see Lilith... but that wasn't the case. Eda took a step back in shock.


"Hi... Eda." Raine said, "It's been a while."

"Yeah... still dying your hair mint green, huh?"

"Yes, but... that's not important." Raine said, "I... I came here for a reason."

"Okay, what is it? Do you need to come in?"

"No, I... I heard that your Niece was at the school during the attack... I... want to make sure your family is okay."

"Yeah... well, she's physically fine, mentally is another story." Eda said, "And what about you? How's your kid doing?"

"They got pretty banged up in the attack." Raine said, "But she'll live. She's at the hospital, getting a bullet lodged in her removed, and I'm on my way to see her."

"Good... that's good." Eda said, feeling very awkward about this whole thing, "It's been a long time since we last saw each other, hasn't it?"

"Yeah... and... I'm sorry for what I said all those years ago, I was mad... I was... disappointed." Raine said, "You kept such a big secret, you went out and got shot at every night... I felt like you didn't trust me enough to tell me."

"I know, and I regret it, but I also don't at the same time... I did that to keep you safe, I-"

"But you hurt me in ways you can't even imagine!" Raine said, "I came in one day, to see you, on the floor, bleeding out... and..."

Raine closed their eyes, remembering that day vividly, even years later, Eda did more than hurt Them emotionally, she did more than betray their trust... Eda physically attacked them, Eda nearly KILLED them. If Lilith wasn't there and tazed Eda... Raine didn't even want to think about what might've happened.

"Raine... I know I hurt you, I know I lied to you, but... I never wanted to do that, I never lied about loving you."

"I wish I could believe you." Raine said, before turning and leaving, "It was... nice to see you, Eda."

Eda closed her eyes, hearing Raine drive away. Eda sighed and went upstairs. She went to Luz's and found the girl laying on her bed.

"Luz... it wasn't your fault."

"Three of my best friends, almost died, because I TOLD them to run." Luz said, "If it wasn't for Aunt Lily putting three bullets into that guy, they would be dead... and it would've been my fault."


"My first chance to be... someone more, to be a hero... and people died, there are parents that said goodbye to their kids this morning before dropping them off, unaware that it would be the last time they would ever see them. People that kissed their spouse before heading to work, no realizing that it would be the last kiss they ever have." Luz said, holding her pillow and crying, "I failed... I wasn't fast enough, I wasn't strong enough, I wasn't smart enough... I wasn't good enough."

Eda sat on Luz's desk chair and looked at the girl in silence before speaking again.

"Kid, I know that it seems like the world is punishing you for trying to do the right thing, I've been in the situation you are right now." Eda said, "Just... you just think... why... why did they have to die? What could I have done differently? Why did this one person have to die? Kid, I know that it seems likes this is horrible, and it truly is... but 57 people died... hundreds, if not thousands of lives were saved because of you! You saved them, you stopped this long enough for the police to get inside without getting killed themselves... you saved that Blight girl, she's alive because of you, you honestly should start charging her for each time you have to save her at this point."

Luz didn't say anything.

"Okay... come with me, Kid." Eda said, "I'm going to give you your next lesson on being a hero."

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