I....I.. haven't 😶

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In the bustling heart of Seoul, amidst the glittering skyscrapers and neon-lit streets, exists a clandestine world concealed from the public eye. 

Beneath the facade of their public personas as global CEOs, BTS operates as underground mafias, wielding power and influence that extend far beyond the boardrooms.

As the sun sets over the city, the members of BTS convene in their luxurious penthouse, a sanctuary hidden from prying eyes.

 Jin, the charismatic leader of the group, reclines in his leather chair, his gaze fixed on the sprawling cityscape before him.

 Tonight, they have business to attend to....

JIN: "Yoongi, any updates on the shipment?" 

 turning to the enigmatic figure seated beside him. Yoongi, the mastermind behind their intricate network of operations, nods curtly, his fingers tapping away at the sleek laptop in front of him.

YOONGI: "It's on schedule, hyung," 

his voice as cool as the night air. 

TAE :"We'll have the merchandise ready for distribution by tomorrow."

Across the room, Taehyung lounges on the plush sofa, his eyes gleaming with mischief. 

TAE: "And what about our dear secretary, Yuna?

 a mischievous grin spreading across his face. 

TAE :"Any progress on that front, Jin hyung?"

Jin's cheeks flush slightly at the mention of Yuna, his diligent and alluring secretary who holds a special place in his heart. 

JIN: "I... I haven't had the chance to talk to her yet," he stammers, 

his gaze drifting to the floor.

Jimin, the group's resident charmer, chuckles softly.

JIMIN : "Come on, Jin hyung. You've been pining over her for months. It's time to make a move."

Before Jin can respond, the sound of the intercom interrupts their conversation, signaling the arrival of an unexpected visitor. With a flick of his wrist, Namjoon, the group's strategist, answers the call, his voice steady and composed.

JIN: "Who is it?" ,his curiosity piqued.

Namjoon's brow furrows in concern as he relays the message.

NAMJOON:  "It's Yuna, hyung. She says it's urgent."

Jin's heart skips a beat at the mention of her name, his mind racing with a flurry of questions. Without hesitation, he rises from his seat, his determination burning brighter than ever before.

JIN :"Let her in," he commands, his voice unwavering.

As the doors to the penthouse slide open, Yuna steps inside, having sweet smile . Her eyes meet Jin's, and for a moment, time stands still. In that fleeting instant, amidst the chaos and secrecy that surrounds them, Jin realizes that his feelings for Yuna run deeper than he ever imagined.

To be continued...

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Bye 👋 Love you all ❤️

Your beloved author 💖 

--- VM 💝

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