Beloved????? 😍

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On the rooftop of a luxurious skyscraper. 

The city skyline glitters in the background as TAE, the youngest brother, paces nervously.

TAE has brought up his courage and called his brothers for a urgent meeting.

 The other brothers—NAMJOON, JIN, YOONGI, HOSEOK, JIMIN, and JUNGKOOK—arrive one by one, curious about the urgent meeting.

 Their expressions reflect a mixture of curiosity and concern. The tension is palpable.

NAMJOON : (furrowing his brows, his tone commanding) TAE, what's this all about? We have a lot of business to handle.

JIN: (crossing his arms, looking slightly irritated) Yeah, our shipments are arriving tonight. This better be important.

TAE : (takes a deep breath, clearly struggling to find the right words) It is important. More important than anything else right now.

JUNGKOOK : (raises an eyebrow, his voice a mix of skepticism and concern) What could be more important than the business?

TAE :(looking each brother in the eye, his resolve hardening) It's personal. And it's about JOUNA.

The brothers exchange confused and slightly worried glances. 

The mention of JOUNA's name sends a ripple of unease through the group. They all know she is the sister of their biggest rival Juhan, a fact that has complicated their dealings  and misunderstandings for years.

TAE stands firm, gathering his courage. He knows this revelation could change everything.He feels the weight of his brothers' expectations and fears, but he also feels a deep, unyielding love for JOUNA.

TAE :(voice steady, though his hands tremble slightly) I've been dating JOUNA for seven years.

HOSEOK : (eyes widening, clearly shocked) Seven years? Are you serious?

JIMIN :(incredulous, his voice rising in pitch) But she's the sister of our biggest rival!

TAE :(nodding, his expression serious) I know. Before 7 years when we were like a family to Juhan,And there's more. We got married a year ago. And now... she's pregnant.

A stunned silence falls over the group. The brothers are processing the bombshell TAE just dropped. Their minds race with the implications, both personal and professional.

YOONGI: (calm but serious, his eyes narrowed in thought) You do realize what this means, right? If her brother finds out...

TAE: (cutting in, his voice filled with determination) I know. But I love her. We've kept it secret for this long because we knew what was at stake. But I can't keep this from you anymore. She's my wife, and she's carrying my child.


The brothers huddle, discussing the implications and risks involved. Their expressions range from concern to anger to thoughtful contemplation.

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