That's because I love you 😘

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The episode opens with the sun rising over PRAJ's mansion. 

The family is already up and about, preparing for the day ahead. 

The tension from the previous night's encounter with JUHAN's spy is still palpable.

 NAMJOON gathers everyone in the living room for a briefing.

NAMJOON :  (seriously) We need to tighten security even further. JUHAN is clearly watching us, and we can't afford any mistakes.

YOONGI :  (nodding) I've set up more surveillance cameras. We'll have eyes everywhere.

JUNGKOOK : (looking at Y/N) We'll need to limit our movements. No one goes anywhere without at least two people for protection.

Y/N : (sighing) fine ,  I understand. We need to stay safe.

PRAJ : (holding Y/N's hand) We'll get through this, Y/N. Together.

The family nods in agreement, their resolve stronger than ever. They disperse to carry out their tasks, each one determined to protect their loved ones.


Y/N and PRAJ find a quiet moment together in the garden. The tranquility of the setting contrasts sharply with the tension they feel inside.

Y/N: (softly) It's hard to believe we're living like this. Always looking over our shoulders.

PRAJ : (gently) I know it's difficult, but we're strong. And we have each other.

Y/N :  (smiling) You always know what to say to make me feel better.

PRAJ : (leaning in to kiss her) That's because I love you. More than anything.

They share a tender kiss, their love providing a moment of solace amidst the chaos.


Back inside the mansion, JIN and YUNA find themselves alone in the kitchen. The soft morning light streams through the windows, casting a warm glow on them.

JIN : (grinning) I think we have a few minutes before the chaos starts again.

YUNA : (teasingly) Oh, really? And what do you propose we do with those minutes?

JIN steps closer, wrapping his arms around YUNA's waist and pulling her close.

JIN : (whispering) I can think of a few things.

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