Face me like men 😤

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The episode opens with the family gathered in the living room, discussing the preparations and security measures they've put in place. The tension is thick, with everyone on edge as they await the impending confrontation with JUHAN.

NAMJOON : (looking at the group) We're as ready as we can be. JUHAN won't take us by surprise this time.

YOONGI : (checking his watch) Anil's intel has been reliable so far. We need to stay sharp.

TAE : (holding JOUNA's hand) I can't help but worry about JOUNA and the baby. We need to make sure they're safe.

JIMIN : (nodding) We've fortified the safe room. They'll be protected.

The family's determination is evident, but there's an undercurrent of anxiety as they brace for what's to come.

 Flashback - The Incident Five Years Ago

The scene transitions to a flashback, five years ago. The setting is a lavish mansion where a significant meeting is taking place. The young BTS members are present, discussing business when they hear gunshots. They rush to the scene, only to find JUHAN's parents lying lifeless on the floor.

NAMJOON : (shocked) What happened here?

YOONGI : (looking around) We need to get out of here before someone thinks we're involved.

As they flee the scene, JUHAN arrives and sees BTS leaving. Misunderstanding the situation, he assumes they are responsible for his parents' deaths.

JUHAN : (screaming) I'll make you pay for this!

The flashback ends, revealing the deep-seated grudge JUHAN has held against BTS all these years.

Present Day 

Back in the present, NAMJOON and YOONGI are discussing the past incident, trying to piece together the events that led to the current situation.

NAMJOON : (sighing) We need to find a way to show JUHAN the truth. We didn't kill his parents.

YOONGI : (nodding) If we can prove it, maybe we can end this feud.

They decide to dig deeper into the rival gang that was actually responsible for the murder, hoping to find evidence that can clear their name.

Y/N and PRAJ meet secretly in the garden, discussing their future and the ongoing tensions.

Y/N : (worried) PRAJ, what if JUHAN doesn't believe us? What if this never ends?

PRAJ : (holding her close) We'll find a way, Y/N. Your brothers are working on it. We just have to stay strong.

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