My everything 🤩

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The episode opens with the family gathering early in the morning. The atmosphere is tense but determined as they prepare for the day ahead.*

NAMJOON : (seriously) We need to stay focused. The rival gang won't sit idly by while we gather evidence against them.

YOONGI : (nodding) Our primary goal is to protect JOUNA and the baby. Everything else is secondary.

JIMIN : (looking at TAE) And to keep the peace with JUHAN. This truce is fragile, and we can't risk breaking it.

TAE squeezes JOUNA's hand, silently vowing to protect her and their unborn child.


JUHAN, now aware of JOUNA's pregnancy, begins to dig deeper into the circumstances surrounding his parents' death.

 He meets with his trusted confidant, Anil, in a secluded warehouse.

JUHAN : (determined) We need to find out who really killed my parents. The BTS family was there, but I'm starting to believe they didn't do it.

ANIL : (nodding) I've already started gathering more information. There's a lot of chatter about a rival gang making moves around the same time.

JUHAN looks at the files Anil has brought, his mind racing with possibilities.

JUHAN : (softly) I need to know the truth. It's the only way to move forward.


JIN and YUNA find solace in each other's company. They are in a quiet corner of the mansion, away from the hustle and bustle.

JIN : (smiling) It's amazing how you make everything seem more bearable.

YUNA : (blushing) You do the same for me, JIN. I feel safe with you.

They share a tender kiss, their connection deepening with each passing day.

YUNA : (whispering) No matter what happens, I'm here for you.

JIN : (holding her close) And I'm here for you. Always.


TAE and JOUNA take a walk in the garden, enjoying a rare moment of peace. The sun is setting, casting a warm glow over them.

TAE : (softly) I wish we could have more moments like this.

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