Always Y/N Always ❤️

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The episode opens with a quiet morning at PRAJ's family estate in India. Y/N is in her room, curled up in bed, experiencing severe period cramps. PRAJ enters, holding a tray with a hot water bottle, herbal tea, and pain relief medication.

 PRAJ enters, holding a tray with a hot water bottle, herbal tea, and pain relief medication

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PRAJ : (gently) Hey, Y/N. I brought you some things to help with the pain

Y/N : (weakly) Thank you, PRAJ. You're the best.

PRAJ : (sitting on the bed) I hate seeing you like this. Is there anything else I can do?

Y/N : (shaking her head) Just stay with me. Your presence makes it a little easier.

PRAJ : (smiling) Of course. I'm not going anywhere.

PRAJ places the hot water bottle on Y/N's abdomen and helps her sip the tea. He sits beside her, gently stroking her hair and whispering soothing words. The sound of his voice and his touch seem to ease her discomfort.

Y/N :  (relaxing a bit) This feels so much better. Thank you, PRAJ.

PRAJ : ( kissing her forehead) Anything for you, Y/N.

They share a tender moment, the love and care between them evident in their every interaction.


Meanwhile, BTS and JUHAN are preparing for their mission to confront the rival gang that killed JUHAN's parents. The tension is palpable as they gear up, checking their weapons and discussing their strategy. They are in their car discussing...

NAMJOON : (seriously) Remember, our goal is to gather evidence and bring them to justice. We don't need unnecessary casualties.

JUHAN : (determined) They need to pay for what they did to my parents. But we'll do it the right way.

YOONGI : (loading his gun) Let's move out. The sooner we get this done, the better

JIMIN : (nodding) Agreed. We need to be smart about this. No mistakes.

They leave the estate, each member focused and ready for the confrontation ahead. The journey to the rival gang's hideout is tense, with everyone aware of the danger that lies ahead.

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