Really!!!! 🤭

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The episode opens with JIMIN pacing around the garden. The recent celebrations and displays of love have made him restless and more aware of his own feelings towards HYEJIN, the new designer.

Actually Hyejin is JIMIN 's childhood sweetheart.

But they were young that time .

That's when JIMIN 's  family shifted their house , they both lost contact , 

JIMIN even before he knows that she is his sweetheart, he started loving her 

Now JIMIN knows that she is his sweetheart.

he calls her HYU as nickname.

Back to India ---

NAMJOON : (noticing JIMIN's anxiety) JIMIN, are you okay? You seem a bit on edge.

JIMIN : (sighing) It's just... seeing everyone so happy and in love. It makes me realize how much I miss HYEJIN.

YOONGI : (curiously) HYEJIN? The new designer?

JIMIN : (nodding) Yeah.  Also , she is my "  HYU " I can't stop thinking about her. I need to tell her how I feel.

NAMJOON : (supportively) Then do it, JIMIN. Go to Korea and tell her. Life's too short to hold back.

JIMIN : (determined) You're right. I'll go tonight.


JIMIN quickly packs his bags and heads to the airport, booking a flight to Korea. On the plane, he thinks about his past with HYEJIN, memories flooding back.

JIMIN's Thoughts : (narration) HYEJIN... my childhood sweetheart. We were so close back then. I wonder if she remembers me.


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✓PARENTS died when she was young 

✓ no friends 

✓ still loves her child hood sweetheart 

✓ sweet , caring 

As the plane lands, JIMIN feels a mix of excitement and nervousness about seeing HYEJIN again.


JIMIN arrives in Korea and heads straight to the fashion studio where HYEJIN works. He enters the bustling studio, searching for her among the designers and models.

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