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 BTS brothers gathered in their luxurious underground headquarters.

 The room is filled with state-of-the-art technology, sleek black furniture, 

and the soft hum of confidential conversations. 

They are discussing their latest business ventures and underground dealings.

JIN :(sipping coffee) "We need to keep a closer eye on our shipments. There's been too much interference lately."

SUGA : (nodding) "Agreed. I've already doubled the security, but we need to find the source of the leaks."

JUNGKOOK :(looking at his phone) "I've been analyzing the data. There's a pattern, but I can't put my finger on it yet."

NAMJOON :(serious) "Keep working on it. We can't afford any more setbacks."

As they continue their discussion, Jimin is lost in thought, 

replaying his last encounter with Hyejin  in his mind. 

He finally speaks up, addressing Jin.

JIMIN : "Hyung, about the new designer, Hyejin .. I think she might be in trouble."

JIN :(concerned) "What do you mean?"

JIMIN :"I overheard a conversation. Someone's been following her."

NAMJOON :(stern) "We need to protect her. She's valuable to us."

JIMIN : (with a hint of jealousy) "I'll take care of it.  you all can  stay focused on our current tasks."


Meanwhile, in a cozy, hidden apartment on the outskirts of the city, 

The room is filled with warmth and soft lighting, a stark contrast to the harsh world outside.

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