I need TAE 😭

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The episode opens with a tense atmosphere in the BTS estate. Everyone is preparing for an impending confrontation with a rival gang. The family gathers in the main hall, discussing their strategy.

NAMJOON : (seriously) This rival gang has been a thorn in our side for too long. We need to end this once and for all.

YOONGI : (nodding) We'll split into teams. TAEHYUNG, you lead one team. JIN, you lead the other.

TAEHYUNG : (determined) We need to be careful. This is going to be dangerous.

Meanwhile, JOUNA, who is heavily pregnant, is in the living room with JUHAN, PRAJ, and Y/N. She suddenly feels a sharp pain in her abdomen.

JOUNA : (grimacing) Oh no... I think the baby is coming.

JUHAN : (worried) We need to get you to a hospital.

PRAJ : (helping her up) Let's go. We'll take care of you, JOUNA.


TAEHYUNG receives a call from JUHAN informing him about JOUNA's condition just as he's about to leave for the fight.

TAEHYUNG : (anxious) What? JOUNA's in labor?

JUHAN : (on the phone) Yes, she needs you, TAE. But I understand if you can't come.

TAEHYUNG : (conflicted) I... I have to go. But I can't leave the family now.

NAMJOON : (overhearing) TAE, go. We'll handle this. Your place is with JOUNA.

TAEHYUNG : (grateful) Thank you, NAMJOON. Be careful out there.


Back at the house, JOUNA's labor pains intensify. JUHAN, PRAJ, YUNA and Y/N are by her side, doing their best to comfort her.

Y/N : (holding JOUNA's hand) You're strong, JOUNA. You can do this.

YUNA : I'll call the doctor unni , stay positive 

JUHAN : (stroking her hair) Just breathe, JOUNA. We're here with you.

PRAJ :  (anxiously) Is there anything else we can do?

JOUNA : (through gritted teeth) Just... stay with me. I need TAE.


Meanwhile, BTS and their allies engage in a fierce battle with the rival gang. The streets are filled with the sounds of gunfire and shouts.

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