My thoughts and I:

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I paused at that instant. I was in shock, disbelief and filled with un-fathomable embarrassment. I couldn't help but cover my lips to withhold a giggle. "No, you did not brain." I said in between the giggles I terribly failed to restrain.


So much can go around in a teenager's little big mind.
From the anxiety of speaking in public, the judgmental stares one will receive from walking about, the day's menu, how big one's pimple is, the lingering gaze from passer's by, the next class, why every other person is more attractive than oneself. The list can go further on and on to the hate for everything and love for the little things.
That had summarized Natalie's mind... then.
And back then, she had everything almost in control. 

"Alright, catch you later." Garf said as he stood up to leave.
He had been telling Natalie about the new action movie he had found epic.

"Ok, but the shooter was definitely reckless," added Natalie.
"Right?" Garf swiftly turned and threw his arms in the air, bewildered.

They both burst into laughter.
She loved time with Garfield. He matched her humor and interests.
He was the coolest boy in the world.
It was lunch period. That meant time to go out of the classroom. In public, she always wore a stern face. That could have been the reason why she was never approached whilst on her way. 
Taking a look outside, most of the students had dispersed off.

" Good, very good."

She was invincible now.
She took a deep breath and stepped out. The only things that could almost give her anxiety away were the fast paces she took at a time and her hands balled into fists.
Behind that intimidating look were eyes that aimed to look anywhere else but not at a human face. She bit her jaw repeatedly just as fast as her feet could carry her.
More anxiety came with dealing with heading back to the classroom. The babble inside always got to her.
She took steady breaths.
"One, two, three..." and Natalie gave out a nervous excretion, smelly but helpful.
Not to worry. No one was ever in sight. Her smelly fart would drift off with the wind.
With a sigh she began her journey back to the huge mass of eyes.

Classes, assignments, tests.
These were all plots to slow down her life just a bit. Classes did the most and time was a slug, the laziest of all. It felt like the clock's hands had frozen, never to tick again.
Gravity tugged at her eyelids, and her head followed. The only weapon forged against this sorcery was the thought of everyone's eyeballs on her pathetic face. Today it was failing.

"Ethan is probably watching, girl!" Her brain seemed to whisper.
Her spine erected and face hardened, dreading the thought. She prayed her pose was convincing enough.
Natalie couldn't deny she thought about many things but, Ethan Valer was the "many things" recently.
Garf had caught up on it.

"Are you staring at him?" He had asked, his eyes wide with amusement.

"Him who?" Natalie cleared her throat. She felt so embarrassed and gave in. "Why, Garf, why?"
She covered her face.

"No need to feel ashamed." Garf laughed.

"This is so embarrassing, Garf." She whispered, "Imagine if some other person had seen me, I would die."

"You would die telling him?"

"Yes, Garf. Yes I would." Garf laughed some more.

"You know he is only human. Go tell that boy wats up" Garf was sure Natalie wouldn't. "Is he starring in one of your movies yet?" He asked and bit his upper lip, withholding a laugh.

Natalie nodded and hid her face. Her heart blossomed with happiness. It felt good to talk to someone about Ethan, and embarrassing too.
Garf loved to tease her about it.

She wasn't the stalker type, neither a gossip but, she was fantastic at animating scenes fueled by intrigue, curiosity and a dash of self-pleasure. 
In her fantasies she got all the answers she needed. She loved how limitless the options were, how willing the characters were towards every instant change of mind.
Ethan Valer was quite the main character in her new series. She went hard at it, and harder while longing for a debut in reality.

In the dorms were two more friends, Sera and Riley, who liked to keep her company at times.

"How many attractive boys are in our class?" Riley asked, grinning sheepishly.
She looked between the girls, demanding an answer.

"Interesting discussion" Sera nodded, absent minded.

Natalie wondered if it was.
"Really, so who do you fancy Miss Sera?"

Sera, the chubby dimpled girl smirked, pride evident in her eyes. "Well, Mr. Daniel is not bad"

Riley snorted and Sera's smirk washed out.
"What's the matter, Mrs. Watts?"

"Don't begin with that Sera. What about you Miss Simmons?" Riley turned to Natalie.
Natalie was silent. She didn't fancy hearing them mock her answer. She squinted her eyes and looked from one to the other.

"C'mon." Riley and Sera said in unison.
"He is tall_"

"Is it Brown? Terrence? maybe_"
Sera hurried to shush Riley and signaled to Natalie to go on.

"and smart."
Riley guessed each one wrong and Natalie almost got a headache nodding them off.

"Perhaps, Mr. Valer is our guy?"

Natalie stopped in her tracks. Riley gasped, "Really!"
She jumped up and down.
Natalie bit her lip as hard as she could and closed her eyes. She thought Riley was overreacting about it.

"That was quick, Sera." She stammered

"Well, I just thought, you know, you and Ethan Valer would make a good couple."


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