Mr. Watts, Miss Simmons:

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As a man, I grind and make ends meet. There is minimal pleasure in this, and I certainly dislike the world's constant demand for I to step up each day. I beg of you miss, with your brilliance and magnificence, please keep talking. I will listen.


The school library was quiet that afternoon, the soft rustle of turning pages and the occasional whisper creating a serene ambiance. Natalie sat at a corner table, absorbed in a collection of poems by her favorite poet, while across the room, Illai browsed through a classic novel he had picked up on a whim. The two had often seen each other in passing, during classes and in the library, but had never exchanged more than a polite nod.

Natalie knew him from Riley and so did Illai. He knew that she was a friend of Riley's as he had seen them talk a few times. They had never talked, Natalie and him, but Illai really wanted to say hello to her.
He had decided to make acquaintance with her today.
Illai looked up from his book and noticed Natalie engrossed in her reading. Something about her quiet intensity caught his attention, prompting him to close his book and approach her table.
It's not very nice interrupting a person immersed so deeply in reading. He knew that, and he was so sorry he was going to any way.
With a hesitant smile, he spoke up,
"that's a beautiful collection. Are you a fan of poetry?"

Startled by the interruption but pleasantly surprised, Natalie glanced up and returned his smile. "Yes, I love poetry," she replied, her voice soft yet filled with enthusiasm. "This poet, in particular, has a way of capturing emotions and moments that resonate deeply with me."

Ethan nodded, genuinely intrigued. "I've always been more into novels, but I appreciate good poetry too. It's like condensed emotion and imagery, isn't it?"

"I agree, and what book tropes might you be interested in, Mr. Watts?"
It slipped out before she could think it through. Natalie had not intended to address him in such a way but it slipped and she could do nothing about it now.
The ball was in his hands to take it or drop it. So, she waited for his reaction.

Illai was impressed, a bit shocked but very impressed. It isn't everyday that one gets to be addressed with such politeness.
He found it quite charming.
He laughed slyly, bent down a bit and stood upright, the way a gentleman would bow if he were talking to a lady.
"Well, miss, I fancy me a love trope specifically the slow burn romance."

"Interesting choice, and why so?" Natalie asked, actually getting intrigued with Illai's answer.

He swung his arms, crossed them behind him and looked out the window. After a moment of silence he turned back and tried to answer her question.
"There is something about patiently unraveling someone's mind, thoughts and emotions, he began, It's almost like a waltz."
Natalie began to paint the picture in her mind, two people swaying to a tune so flawless it drifted them to each other's souls.

"It's slow, beautiful and gentle but with a grand finish of mutual interest."
The words slid off her tongue and silence enveloped both of them.
They froze there, becoming part of the silence and suddenly their shared gaze had them breathless.

Natalie pulled away first from the stare and she struggled to catch her breath while, Illai took a deep breath and chuckled softly.
Whatever had happened had been intense.
As both of them steadied their breathing and gave quick glances to each other, Natalie felt very shy.

Illai was feeling very cheerful.

"I will let you keep on reading, Miss... ?" Illai held out an arm.

"Natalie Simmons"

"Alright then. See you around, Miss Simmons." Illai turned away and left the room, smiling.
His body was filled with a vibrant energy. He walked fast, biting his lip to hold in the ecstasy.
What had just happened?
He couldn't explain it but he had felt it. The adrenaline was pumping hard and it was coursing through his veins, making rounds through his body.
He halted, looked back and everywhere. No one was in sight yet. He couldn't hold it in any further so he bent and clapped his hands with all force. Then he sprang back up with a jump.
He felt alive like never before.

He was going to talk to Natalie again. He had to. Miss Simmons was magnificent.


Natalie had seen Illai walk off. She was dumbfounded by whatever had just happened. It had been intense while they stared at each other.
In all honesty, Natalie had seen herself waltzing with Illai in his eyes, and in that moment, it was like she felt them sway along, trapped in a forever dance. It had her breathless and she fought hard to break away.
She did and gasped for air, rethinking about looking in his eyes once more and had tried to cover her burning cheeks.

Illai had then offered to let her get back to reading. She appreciated that. She had really craved him gone  then.
She couldn't bear thinking he had felt it too.
Had it affected him too? He had looked quite normal a while ago.

Natalie smiled and laughed when she thought about his choice of words. He was brilliant.
She admitted to being quite impressed by Riley's boyfriend.

"Atta girl, Riley." She cooed, "Mr. Watts is quite the charmer."


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