Doubting me, you and love:

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They say love doesn't come easy, and that it is difficult. Are we really built for this thing called love?


Natalie strolled around the campus.
The evening was beautiful with shadowy buildings, the scene was one of tranquil beauty. A gentle breeze was stirring, causing a few leaves to flutter to the ground, where they land with a soft rustle among the others already carpeting the earth.

She sat on a weathered wooden bench, her eyes tracing the outlines of the trees and the gentle curves of the path that winds its way through the greenery. She seemed content to linger in this moment, savoring the quiet around. It was one place around the campus where the bustle never seemed to reach.
For a few more moments, Natalie sat in silence, letting the serenity of the evening seep into her soul, grounding them before the day came to its darkest hours.
Her thoughts were lucky to brew in such tranquillity. She asked herself what she was going to tell Illai. She had been shocked that he was actually settling on going through with it.
Why hadn't she thought it through back then when it had first hinted?

Did he really think she was deserving?

She knew Illai to be a very intelligent guy.
Even back in high school he had always been one to make her ponder about many things. He loved to listen as much as to talk. It was fascinating how he thought about so much. Proudly so, he had done his best to intrigue Natalie, even go an extra mile to out think her at times.
With the shared interest for literature and philosophical questions, Natalie felt comfortable around Illai. He was beautiful.
His witty jokes and humor made him more charming, but more to him was his sense of maturity and assertiveness. It was in the way he spoke, how he carried himself, the way his mind went about things. Natalie had observed how proud he felt.
He was self conscious.

Natalie didn't think she was "The good" he needed. Illai made her talk, think more and share a lot. He knew about her love for love, family, relationships, literature, soul, but regardless, Natalie couldn't deny he still had no idea about her.
Was he really sure she was the one?

Attraction; the force that pulls you in, fueling your curiosity and starving your mind of other thoughts except the source.
Natalie was attracted to Mr. Watts. He fueled her intrigue. Her mind was always alert in his presence. She expected something challenging from him, a question, a thought, a quote... a stare.

Natalie loved to feel the rush of blood to her brain ready to break down his words, excitement when she managed to crack any making her skip around at times, and the satisfaction when she picked his mind, and she always noticed his eyes through it all.
His eyes smiled at her, with her and for her, hinting at something; something only theirs to know.

In silence, his aura surrounded her. It creeped up on her, radiating from him and demanding her attention. It only faded when he was out of sight.

Mr. Watts had a way of fusing flirting and humor to perfection. She did notice, and still laughed at it,  turning a deaf ear to his nudge. It was clever, though easy enough for Natalie to pick up on.
How long would he keep within the shadows? Forever had been a possibility. He had been silent for so long and she had figured it was just his way of expression.

And yet he had made a move today, years from high school. Why now?
She couldn't rule out the possibility of having prompted him indirectly. Was it something she had once said or was it from earlier?

Her thoughts were cut off when her phone vibrated from deep inside her pockets. She fumbled around her coat and reached to grab it.
The screen showed Illai Watts wanted to talk. With a deep breath she accepted the call.

"Hei," she tried to smile as the words left her lips. She managed to hold the smile for a few seconds. She waited to hear what he had to say.
Through the phone, all she could hear was wind blowing and a revving engine.

"Oh, my. Sorry for that, Natalie."
She smiled warmly. He was always so caring.
"It's ok. It seems you are driving real fast. I must remind you to drive safe, sir." They both chuckled.

"Always ma'am, I do take your advice seriously," silence followed shortly. "Natalie," he called softly.

"Yes, Illai," She closed her eyes as she got ready to hear him say it.

"I love you, a- and I don't care if it's too early to say this. Your feelings may not be mutual, I know, but I really want a chance with you."
Natalie could hear him sigh repeatedly over the phone. He really had a lot to say to her. She felt her eyes get teary.

"Illai," she started and stopped immediately. What was she going to say? The tears stung her eyes, like the guilt that bulged in her throat.

"Hey, I am coming to you. Let's talk then ok. Let me drive safe for now. Bye."
The phone beeped as she lifted her head to look at the remaining streaks of the sun making way for nightfall.

She blinked and the tears finally dropped.
"Oh, Illai. Sweet dear Illai."


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