Chapter 26

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Kyra spent most of the day in the gym, helping with training. Cade had joined them too, and was busy working with different people. He was enjoying himself, Kyra noticed.

When it came time for the training session she'd participated in yesterday, Kyra stood off to the side, watching as Chelsea walked in. The she-wolf had appeared in just a pair of short shorts and a sports bra, and Kyra watched her flirt with every man she walked past. She was apparently trying to make Cole jealous.

Kyra's gaze flicked back to Cole, and she smiled when she saw that he wasn't paying the least bit of attention to Chelsea at all. Instead, he was speaking to Carson.

He'd spent most of the day talking to Carson, which was part of the reason Cade had come down to the gym. It gave Cole the freedom to train Carson while Cade worked with those in the training sessions. Kyra had helped out as well, sparring some with them and correcting small things she saw that someone was doing wrong.

It had been a nice morning, followed by a quick lunch and they were back here now for the afternoon session.

Chelsea's eyes fixed on Cade, and Kyra watched in amusement as she sauntered her way over towards him. Kyra couldn't blame Chelsea for being attracted to Cade. He was incredibly good looking.

He eyed her quietly as she approached him and talked to him. He had his arms crossed over his chest as Chelsea spoke, leaning in much further than necessary and Kyra was sure, giving Cade a full view of her cleavage.

Kyra knew Cade well enough to know that he didn't sleep with she-wolves. He never had. She was the closest he'd come to it. Human women were less messy, and Chelsea was a prime example. Human women had no idea Cade was an extremely powerful werewolf. They just saw a hot guy who was interested in no attachments, and very good in bed.

Ironically, Chelsea wasn't at all Cade's type. Kyra knew she wasn't his type either, not that it mattered. Cade tended to gravitate towards curvy women with thick thighs and large breasts. But if Chelsea has any idea what Cade could do with his tongue, she would put more effort into her flirting.

But Cade was standing there stoically listening to her, his corded tattooed arms still crossed as though he was protecting himself from her. She leaned forward and touched his bicep and he frowned at her. Apparently, she didn't get the hint and she rubbed her breasts against his arm.

Kyra grinned and Cade caught it and shot her a glare. Can you please spar with her so she'll leave me alone?

Now why would I do that?

All of a sudden, Chelsea turned to look at Kyra, and then started across the gym towards her. She stopped in front of her, and then, to Kyra's shock, punched her in the face.

"Bitch," Chelsea muttered, stepping back and glaring at Kyra like she might hit her again.

Kyra's mouth dropped open, then she reached forward and grabbed Chelsea around the throat. "If you wanted to fight, you could have just asked."

Chelsea glared at her. "Yeah, I want to fight you."

Kyra nodded and let go. "Let's go then." She sighed internally as she felt her eye begin to swell. She knew it wouldn't last but it was still a distraction. 

Chelsea was furious, and Kyra wondered why her anger was focused on her. Did she smell like Cole? Did Chelsea know about her and Cole? Not that it was any of her business, but Kyra had no idea. Chelsea wasn't fighting well though, but she was coming at Kyra hard. Everyone in the gym was focused on them both, until finally Kya knocked her down. 

She offered Chelesa a hand, though the she-wolf brushed it away and Kyra watched Chelsea get up and leave. She placed a hand over her eye, wondering if it was bruised. She glanced around the gym. Everyone was staring at her, and she sighed, annoyed as her gaze darted to Cade. 

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