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Well that was fun. I honestly decided to make Landon Brianna's mate yesterday. It just kind of hit me out of nowhere because I knew she needed a mate and he just seemed perfect for her. He's older and already been through a lot, and she's the perfect woman to take care of him with what she does best. I hadn't even planned to bring Cole's brother back into the story until a few days ago. 

As always, I'm so happy you've all stuck with me for twelve books now. I appreciate every like, read and comment I get. I do read them all and if you ask questions, I will answer unless it gives away a spoiler. Thank you so much! And a big thank you to everyone who has purchased my books on Kindle. I truly appreciate it. 

After introducing Cade in this book, I ended up adding him in Dimiti & Zoey's story and knew I had to write his book after Kyra's. Yes, I did contemplate making him Kyra's mate early on. But I didn't really want to do a repeat of Noelle's story, and I already had a storyline in my head for her, so I decided to go with Cole. 

Just an FYI, Book 13 deals with infertility. It's one that hits close to home for me, and if you've dealt with it, I completely understand how heartbreaking it is. I never did have children and considering my age now, I probably never will and it took me a long time to be okay with that. But it's all good. 

Yes, there is going to be a Book 14 as well. Beyond that, at this point, I don't know. I'm trying not to think about it yet because I still need to finish 13 and I'm only four and a half chapters into book 14 so far. It's called Romancing The Alpha Prince, and I'll let you try to decide who's offspring it's about. 

But for now, on to Book 13, His Broken Human Mate, available now!

Mated to the Alpha Queen (Book 12 of the Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now