Chapter 43

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Cole took Kyra's hand in his own as they walked off the elevator. The smell of frying bacon filtered under his nostrils, making his mouth water. He could also pick out sausage, eggs, and biscuits. Now he was really excited for breakfast. Their chef was amazing. 

Cole glanced at Kyra and lifted her hand to her lips. She looked at him and smiled. He smiled back. He was completely content and happier than he'd been in a very long time, and he was starting to think it was the same with Kyra, judging from all of her pack members, and her family's reactions to seeing her smile. He was glad he was able to make her happy. He could feel that she was. 

They walked into the dining hall, and Cole glanced around. He still didn't really know anyone, though he recognized a few people here and there now. He wasn't sure if he could remember names though, but if he was now immortal, he was sure at some point, he'd know all of these people quite well. It was interesting to think of it that way. And if Kyra was a liaison, which he knew she was, they would be traveling around the world. He was already the furthest from home he'd ever been. 

Cole got into line behind Kyra and waited patiently for everyone else to grab their food. He thought it interesting that no one in the pack was put above anyone else. The Alpha wasn't served first. He had no idea who the Beta or Gamma was. He just knew who the Alpha Queen was, and that she in line with her mate, Nick, behind them. He felt like he should let her go ahead of him, but no one else seemed bothered by it, so he went with it. 

He'd also realized something else. If he didn't know any better, he'd think he was in the room with a bunch of normal werewolves. He could feel no auras and he could generally sense what rank someone was, but he couldn't here. If he hadn't seen the Alpha behind him, he wouldn't have any idea she was there. How come I can't sense anything about anyone here?

Because we all keep it masked. Kyra turned around and looked at him. You didn't even realize your own aura is masked now, did you?

He thought about that for a moment. I guess not. 

Kyra grabbed two plates and handed him one. I'll show you some stuff later, down in the gym. I can throw my aura if I want to. 


Yup. Though I've never done it before. 

He studied her quietly. She was so incredibly beautiful and all his. 

"What?" She turned her attention to the hashbrowns. 

You're absolutely beautiful.

She turned to him and smiled. "Thank you."

Cole turned his attention back to the food and began to make his plate. He then followed Kyra over to sit with her usual crowd and smiled at them as they all sat down. 

"Hey, has Nick talked to you?" Cade asked Kyra, digging into his eggs with his fork. 

"No? I haven't talked to him since Noelle inducted Cole into the pack," Kyra responded, picking up her own fork. 

"He's wanting to meet with us after lunch and discuss what all happened. He wants you to come too." Cade looked up at Cole. 

Cole nodded. "We'll be there."

"What happened?" Dimitri asked curiously. 

"A rogue showed up on our territory the night before Cade and Kyra arrived and challenged the Alpha. He beat him and took over the pack. He.." Cole sighed. "He raped and killed the Luna and the next morning, he started killing our warriors and he was going to kill me as well if they hadn't showed up."

Mated to the Alpha Queen (Book 12 of the Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now