Chapter 2.5: The Unknown Woman

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As Lyanna sat in her Mystical Divination class, she couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity that washed over her as she gazed at Professor van Houten's deep burnished copper hair. It was as if a distant memory was trying to surface, teasing her with hints of recognition.

Throughout the lesson, Lyanna found herself distracted, her mind drifting back to that elusive sense of familiarity. She wracked her brain, trying to recall where she might have encountered someone with hair like the professor's, but nothing concrete came to mind.

After class, Lyanna decided to do some investigating of her own. She discreetly asked some of her classmates if they knew anything about Professor van Houten's background or if they had heard of her before coming to Hogwarts. However, none of them seemed to have any information beyond what was already known—that she was a skilled and knowledgeable divination teacher.

Frustrated by the lack of answers, Lyanna turned to other sources. She scoured the Hogwarts library for any mention of a Carice van Houten but came up empty-handed. It was as if the professor had appeared out of thin air, with no trace of her existence prior to teaching at Hogwarts.

As the days passed, Lyanna's sense of unease only grew stronger. There was something about Professor van Houten that didn't sit right with her, something elusive and unsettling. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the professor than met the eye, and she was determined to uncover the truth, no matter what it took.

Late at night, Lyanna couldn't sleep, bothered by her thoughts about Professor van Houten. She got up from bed and decided to do what she did best... draw.

She took out her journal, and as she searched for a blank page, she came across a drawing she had made at the beginning of their summer break. The drawing was oddly similar to her suspected professor, both having the same hair color, red eyes, and pale, unblemished skin. Lyanna remembered Mippy describing a woman who was slender, graceful, and tall—exactly the same as the professor.

Determined to uncover the truth, Lyanna donned a hooded cloak and quietly made her way out of the castle, careful not to alert anyone of her presence. Her destination was the Hog's Head, where a complex of cottages rented by Hogwarts teachers was located. She moved stealthily through the shadows, her heart pounding with a mix of fear and excitement.

Once at the cottages, she began her search, checking each one methodically. The process took what felt like forever, each door looking the same in the dim light. Her wand was at the ready, unsure whether van Houten's intentions were good or bad.

Finally, she reached the last cottage on the row. With a deep breath, she approached the door, her wand clutched tightly in her hand. She hesitated for a moment, then knocked softly, ready for whatever might come next.

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