Chapter 3.12: Family History

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It was the weekend, and students at Hogwarts buzzed with excitement for the Hogsmeade trip. Lyanna, however, had decided to stay behind. She watched her friends leave, their laughter and chatter fading as they made their way to the village. 

Lyanna had made a decision. She was going to immerse herself in the original world she came from—the world of Westeros.

After breakfast, she went to the library and gathered all the volumes of "A Song of Ice and Fire." 

She carried the hefty books to her favorite spot, a quiet nook under a large tree by the Black Lake. The sun was shining, and the gentle lapping of the water provided a soothing backdrop as she settled in.

She opened the first book, "A Game of Thrones," and began to read. The words on the pages transported her to a different time and place, a world of intrigue, honor, and treachery. She read about the Stark family and their dire wolves, the cold and unforgiving North, and the complex political games played in King's Landing.

As she read, she imagined what it would have been like if Melisandre hadn't brought her to the Wizarding World. She pictured herself growing up in Winterfell, running through the snow with Jon Snow, her father, and learning the ways of leadership from her mother, Daenerys Targaryen. She wondered how different her life would be if she had been raised in the world of dragons and iron thrones instead of magic wands and potions.

Hours passed, and Lyanna was completely engrossed in the story. She barely noticed when the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the grounds. She was deep into the second book, "A Clash of Kings," when a cold breeze rustled the leaves above her. She pulled her cloak tighter around her and continued to read, her mind filled with battles, betrayals, and the ever-present struggle for power in Westeros.

She read about the Night's Watch and their fight against the encroaching darkness beyond the Wall. She imagined standing shoulder to shoulder with Jon Snow, facing the terrifying creatures that lurked in the far North. She read about Daenerys's journey across the Narrow Sea, her rise from a timid girl to a powerful queen with three dragons at her command. Lyanna felt a deep connection to her mother, admiring her strength and determination.

The more she read, the more she understood the complexity of her heritage. She saw the honor and loyalty of the Starks, the fierce independence of the Targaryens, and the harsh realities of a world where power could shift in an instant. She realized that if she were destined to change things for the better, she needed to understand the intricacies of the world she came from.

By the time she reached the third book, "A Storm of Swords," Lyanna's eyes were tired, but her mind was alive with images of dragons, castles, and epic battles. She took a break, closing the book and leaning back against the tree. She looked out at the Black Lake, the moon reflecting off its surface, and thought about her parents.

Would they be proud of her? She hoped so. She wanted to honor their legacy, to be as strong and wise as they were. She thought about the people of Westeros, the ones she might one day help. She felt a sense of purpose, a drive to learn as much as she could so she could make a difference.

Lyanna spent the entire weekend by the lake, reading and imagining. She lost herself in the pages, feeling a connection to her roots that she had never felt before. She read about the Red Wedding, the fall of noble houses, and the rise of new powers. She felt the weight of the Iron Throne and the endless struggle to claim it.

When the weekend came to an end, Lyanna closed the final book, her mind buzzing with the stories she had read. 

As she stood up, stretched her stiff muscles, and gathered the books, she found herself reflecting deeply on the journey she had just experienced.

Lyanna could now clearly picture the transformation of her mother, Daenerys Targaryen, in a way she never had before. When Melisandre had told her of Daenerys's journey, the details had been murky, the events lacking the vividness needed to fully grasp the weight of her mother's descent into madness. But now, with every detail laid out before her in the books, she saw the gradual shift from the benevolent breaker of chains to the fierce, almost unrecognizable conqueror who had ultimately lost her way.

Images of Daenerys's early years in Essos, her rise to power, and her compassionate leadership were now contrasted starkly with the later years, where the horrors of war and loss chipped away at her sanity. Lyanna felt the pain of each betrayal, the sting of every loss, and the burden of immense power that had twisted her mother's noble intentions into a fiery rage. She saw Daenerys's descent vividly—the burning of King's Landing, the look of determination and madness in her eyes, and the final tragic moments of her life.

As she walked back to the castle, Lyanna felt a stronger connection to her past and a clearer vision of her future. She knew that she belonged in the Wizarding World for now, but one day, she would return to Westeros. She would bring with her the knowledge and strength she had gained, and she would do everything in her power to change things for the better. For her parents, for the people of Westeros, and for herself.

With each step, Lyanna made a silent promise to herself, to the memory of her mother, and to the future she hoped to shape. She vowed that she would not end up like Daenerys. 

She would wield her power with wisdom and restraint, always keeping sight of the people she aimed to protect. But as she made this vow, a shadow of doubt flickered in her mind. The future was unpredictable, and the path she walked was fraught with uncertainty. 

She knew all too well that anything could happen along the way.

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