Chapter 2.16: Welcome Home

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It was the middle of summer when Narcissa Malfoy checked the letters they had received that day. Among the usual correspondences was a letter delivered by an unfamiliar owl, addressed to Lyanna. Narcissa, puzzled by the sender's name, Melisandre, called for her daughter.

"Lyanna, who is this Melisandre?" Narcissa asked, handing her the letter.

Lyanna took the letter, her face carefully neutral. "She's a new friend I made in Ravenclaw, Mother. Nothing to worry about." She then hurried up to her room with the letter, eager to see what it contained.

Once alone, Lyanna opened the letter to find no message, only a place and time: Malfoy Manor Garden, 12 midnight. Curiosity piqued, she decided to follow the instructions.

Later that night, as the clock struck midnight, Lyanna slipped silently out to the garden. There, under the dim light of the moon, she saw something covered in thick black cloth. Beside it was another letter. She opened it and read aloud, "Dracarys."

At the word, something stirred beneath the black cloth. Heart pounding, Lyanna unveiled the object to reveal a dragon: little Norbert, Hagrid's dragon. He was much bigger than she expected, yet still small enough to be considered a young dragon.

Lyanna said, "Dracarys," again, and the obedient dragon breathed a stream of blue flame into the air. Quickly, she covered the cage again, aware of the potential danger and noise.

Carefully, she sneaked the dragon back into her room, her mind racing with the implications of this gift. She decided that Norbert wasn't a fitting name for such a majestic creature. She wanted a name that would remind her of her true identity, something that resonated with the power she felt within herself. After some thought, she settled on the name Fyrion.

Gently petting the dragon's head through the bars, she whispered, "Welcome home, Fyrion."

From that moment on, Lyanna knew her summer would be anything but ordinary.



The name "Fyrion" can be broken down into 2 elements:

Fyr: This is reminiscent of "fire," which is a central element associated with dragons and the Targaryens. (Pronounced like "fire," but with a softer "i" sound, closer to "fear")

-ion: Can be interpreted as a nod to grandeur or nobility, fitting the Targaryen's royal status. (Pronounced "ee-on," with the stress on the first syllable.)

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