The Path To Healing Together

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A week later, Ashley and Austin sat side by side in the therapist's office. The familiar, comforting environment put Austin at ease, and he hoped it would do the same for Ashley.

The therapist, Dr. Morgan, greeted them warmly. "Welcome, Ashley. It's great to meet you. Austin has shared a bit about your mother and the close bond you all had. How are you feeling today?"

Ashley took a deep breath, feeling the support of her brother beside her. "I'm...nervous, but I'm willing to try."

Dr. Morgan smiled reassuringly. "That's a great start. Let's take it slow. Why don't you tell me about your mother?"

As Ashley began to speak, memories of their childhood flooded back. She talked about their mother's warmth, her strength during her illness, and the deep bond they had shared. Austin added his own memories, creating a rich tapestry of their mother's life and the love she had given them.

"It's hard," Ashley admitted, her voice trembling. "I miss her so much. And I feel like I didn't get to say goodbye properly."

Dr. Morgan nodded empathetically. "Grief is a complex journey, and it's okay to feel that way. What's important is finding ways to honor her memory and keep her spirit alive in your hearts."

The session continued, and slowly, Ashley began to feel a weight lifting from her shoulders. Talking about their mother, sharing the pain and the joy, brought a sense of relief she hadn't anticipated.

After the session, Austin and Ashley walked back to the farm in thoughtful silence. Finally, Ashley spoke. "Thank you, Austin. For encouraging me to do this. It helped more than I expected."

Austin smiled, placing an arm around her shoulders. "I'm glad, Ash. We're in this together."

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