𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓

30 0 0

POV Shizuka

- "We should release a statement," Ha-yoon sighs, trying to toss a pen into the pencil holder and missing miserably.

- "We'd look so ridiculous," grumbles Sumalee, giving it a try herself.

She smiles when the pen hits my shoulder, and I give her a dark look.

- "And what would we even say?" she continues. "Hello, 3A unit didn't write or distribute this song, so please stop sending them hate," she mimics, making air quotes with her fingers.

I shake my head and reluctantly agree.

- "Sumalee is right, we'd look like idiots."

She smiles again, and Ha-yoon mutters something incomprehensible before pulling out her phone.

- "At least we're getting good feedback on our performance with Stray Kids from yesterday," she says, probably reading an article.

I suddenly remember something.

- "I had the song we finished last time checked. We need to record it this afternoon, and the choreographer is coming tomorrow morning to teach us the dance for 'Just Like Wow.'"

The mention of the choreographer and the song from our recent album makes Ha-yoon automatically smile. She loves learning new dances and is probably the quickest at picking them up, although Ji-yu is a close second. Ha-yoon is great at memorizing dances, while Ji-yu excels at executing the most complex moves. For this song, I think the blonde will be the center of the dance break since Ji-yu was last time.

Sumalee suddenly stands up and heads towards the studio exit, but I stop her.

- "Where are you going? We're recording in less than an hour."

- "Seeing Yeonjun."

Ha-yoon gives her a questioning look, and she explains, "We need to go over something for tomorrow's interview."

She leaves without another word, and I turn my chair towards Ha-yoon, raising my eyebrows.

- "Wanna bet she'll be late?"

She rolls her eyes and throws another pen, which this time hits my cheek.

- "Oh crap," she exclaims.

I raise my eyebrows, touch my cheek, and see my fingers are stained crimson.

I was about to ironically threaten the blonde when Sumalee reenters.

- "And also, I..."

She glances from Ha-yoon to me and giggles.

- "For once, it's not me trying to kill you."

I roll my eyes and throw a cushion, which hits the door she just managed to close in time.


One bandage on my cheek and a mocking remark from Hae-ji later, we're all in the recording studio.

Well, all except Sumalee.

- "Remind me to punch her when she comes back as if nothing happened," I curse, pressing the button so Ha-yoon —who was recording— can hear me.

She makes a fed-up face and signals for me to start the music.

- "Alright, here we go..."

The door suddenly opens, revealing a breathless Sumalee. I give her a dark look, and Mi-cha signals for her to be quiet.

For her own safety, I guess.

Ha-yoon —now in her Yeou persona— begins to sing, and I take the opportunity to grab a pen and throw it at the Thai girl. Fair's fair.

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