𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟎

15 0 0

POV Minho*

- "I didn't want to, it was her," Beomgyu assures me, looking at me.

Though at this point, it hardly matters, since I just announced to my manager that I'm officially ending things with her.

- "The problem is solved!" Yeonjun exclaims, grabbing the remote to turn on the TV. "The news is on, let me just check the weather at this hour."

I see his manager, not even surprised by his indifference, and I focus on the creases of my palm.

- "We interrupt this broadcast to bring you breaking news that the female K-pop group Silver Tears has been in a car accident."

Everyone immediately looks at the TV, and my heart skips a beat. They show images of a car overturned on its passenger side, with a truck a little further away.

- "A truck reportedly crashed into them about ten minutes ago. Rescue teams have just arrived, and we have a reporter on the scene."

- "Oh gosh..." Soobin whispers, his voice trembling.

We watch in silence as the images unfold before our eyes. I'm growing more fearful, my hands trembling, and I feel my heart pounding hard.

- "The almost unscathed driver announced that Cha, Malee, and Shizuka were in the car, in the back seats."

I stop breathing when that name is mentioned, and I hear gasps of surprise around me. All I want to do is shout for the rescuers to hurry. To get them out of there.

Behind the camera, we hear engine noises and the murmuring crowd witnessing the scene. They film some shocked faces, but suddenly cheers erupt as we see a figure being evacuated from the car.

- "Singer Cha has just been pulled out of the car alive!" the journalist exclaims, rushing towards her.

We can see she's covered in blood, but the rescuers quickly announce she's not seriously injured.

- "It's not my blood!" the brunette exclaims, her voice breaking at the end of the sentence.

She collapses to the ground in shock, but I feel like she's taken with her the hope that Shizuka is safe.

That means it's either Malee's blood, or Shizuka's, or both.

Yeonjun, sitting next to me, runs his hands over his face, not wanting to see the horror unfolding.

I wish I could do the same, but I keep staring at the screen. Because I need to see her come out of that car.

She has to get out of that car.

- "Breaking news, a piece of debris from the truck reportedly crossed over the passenger side and is blocking the exit for both girls. We don't know if they're still conscious."

They are.

I try to convince myself of this truth that I know is probably false. But I have to cling to that hope that's slowly fading within me.

Suddenly, we notice the rescuers intensifying their efforts, and the journalist exclaims:

- "Malee has responded! She's telling rescuers that the passenger seat is pinning their legs, preventing any movement, and she just reported that Shizuka is unconscious."

My heart skips a beat as she finishes that sentence, and tears well up in my eyes.

This can't be happening.

I wish I could close my eyes and open them in the dance studio. See Shizuka in a corner, reading lyrics. I wish I could tell her I'm sorry, that I should have believed her, and that I'm the idiot in this story.

She doesn't even know I still love her...

If I spoke, my voice would break. But no one's speaking anyway. Yeonjun still has his hands over his eyes, but his posture shows he's regained hope.

Shizuka, please.

- "The first piece of debris has been removed, but the seat remains. However, one of the rescuers just announced it might be tricky, as they want to avoid further injuring the two girls."

A shiver of horror runs through me when I realize it's the blood of both girls on Mi-cha's clothes. My best friend has just been loaded into an ambulance, and I worry about her too.

The next ten minutes are torture for me. I watch the rescuers struggle with the seat. Close-ups of terrified onlookers. The journalist, now silent. Yeonjun's ragged breathing.

And no news of Shizuka and Malee.

Shizuka, I'm sorry, I want to tell you in person that I still love you.

Suddenly, shouts ring out, and we see the door being tossed aside. Yeonjun gets up from his chair and drops to his knees when he finally sees his girlfriend emerge from the car.

Covered in blood, Malee points a trembling finger at the car, and I realize I've stopped breathing as I exhale seeing Shizuka being evacuated by a rescuer as well. They're both lying on their sides, while the journalist cheers.

But it's short-lived, as the Thai girl sits up with a pained expression and rushes to her leader. Her desperate cries can be heard.

- "She won't wake up! Do something!"

- "No..." I whisper, and Chan grabs my hand to squeeze it. She's his best friend too, and I know he must be devastated as well.

But it doesn't matter right now. I want her to sit up, to move even a finger, or say just one word.

I want her to wake up.

The rescuers work near the brunette, while others try to calm Malee to administer first aid.

Tears well up in my eyes, but I refuse to let them fall. I refuse to admit defeat. I refuse to believe there's no hope left.

Then a rescuer speaks to the journalist, and silence hangs for a few seconds.

Shizuka like quiet.

- "Shizuka is awake!"

I fix on the screen, to convince myself of the truth. I see Shizuka speaking to the rescuers with difficulty, moving her hand slightly.

A trembling breath escapes my lips, and I'm on the verge of joining Yeonjun on the floor.

- "Minho, it's going to be okay. She's fine," Chan reassures me, forcing me to look at him. "Everything's okay."

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