𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟗

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POV Shizuka

Three weeks have passed since Ha-yoon's fall.

That thought crosses my mind as I see her nearly trip while trying to get off her chair. Finally, all her bandage has been removed : now, she just needs to relearn how to walk.

Plus, it's her birthday today.

- "Thank you, I know April 28th, 2001 was a memorable date" she said when we wished her a happy birthday this morning, before promptly falling back asleep.

We gave her books. She's rich, but she never takes the time to buy what she wants and always ends up complaining.

As a second gift, we told her she could dance to our song, but only the dance break. Needless to say, she immediately got out of bed to practice.

I jump when there's a knock on the door, and I open it to find a stylist, who informs me she's just here to take measurements for Mi-cha, Daiyu, and Sumalee's outfits.

- "Oh, Sumalee isn't here; she's out."

For the umpteenth time this week. I stopped looking for her at night after the third time, only to see her again in the morning in the kitchen, brushing off my questions each time.

Maybe if she gets kidnapped by a mischievous sprite, she'll stop disappearing.

But now she's even disappearing during the day. Initially, I asked the girls if they knew where she was, but I quickly stopped getting any answers. It's like she's living somewhere else now.


- "No, no, and no!"

I lift my head from my book, which is actually one of the gifts from the blonde, when I hear Daiyu shouting in the living room. The door to my room opens to Sumalee, who I guess has just returned.

- "Wow, a resurrected."

- "Come quickly, Daiyu is yelling at the stylist."

- "You're not overreacting a bit?" I mutter as I get up.

- "For once, no, she's really upset. And she won't even listen to me."

Sure enough, when I enter the living room, I see Daiyu glaring at the stylist, and I try to defuse the situation.

- "What's going on?"

- "I'm the center, I should have the white dress, not a yellow one!"

- "No, Ha-yoon is going to start dancing again. She'll only do the dance break."

- "That's my position!"

I squint, disturbed by the Chinese girl's behavior. She's been quite touchy lately. Yet, yesterday, I had informed the girls of the clothing choice. Once again, she probably didn't listen to me.

- "Daiyu, the decision has already been made. Stop it."

- "You're not six years old anymore, stop throwing tantrums" the eldest adds.

The straw that broke the camel's back

- "On what grounds are you talking to me like that? You're never around!"

- "At least I'm respectful to the staff!"

- "By being late?" She scoffs.

The Thai girl gradually approaches the Chinese girl, and I signal to the stylist to leave.

- "Listen to me, you're starting to become a little brat. If I were the leader, I would have already spoken to the manager."

- "And you could have taken the opportunity to tell him that you spend all your nights elsewhere."

- "Stop it, calm down" I say, seeing Daiyu clench her fist.

- Sumalee would never strike first, but she wouldn't hesitate to respond with violence if provoked. Learned experience. Except the target was Ji-yu.

I signal for Daiyu to step back, and I announce:

- "We're getting ready for the interview, no outbursts until then."


I sigh, rubbing my forehead, regretting not having said that last phrase to all the members. Because when Mi-cha said in the interview, "I believe all the members have earned their place in Sunmic. But Dayu, it's different, because it's thanks to Yeou and Shizuka that she succeeded" I quickly realized the day was ruined.

Especially since Daiyu is currently complaining in front of me for the past five minutes.

- "She had no right to say that! Tell her!"

- "You had no right to talk to the stylist like that, I remind you."

- "You're useless, it's ridiculous."

She leaves, while I open my mouth, shocked, and I lock eyes with Sumalee, who has apparently heard what she said.

- "To think she'll be legal soon, it's scary. Hae-ji is more mature than her."

I raise my eyebrows as if to confirm her words, for once, and I approach Mi-cha.

- "What, are you going to scold me?"

- "No."

She laughs, surprised, and I add:

- "Just try not to do it again. You know how much the scandal affected Daiyu."

- "I just stated my opinion."

I give up, and we eventually head home.


- "Can you pass me your keys, Shizuka? I lost mine, and I need to go out tomorrow."

- "No problem, here."

I hand my keys to Ji-yu, adorned with a pretty pink pendant, and fall asleep after she leaves.

Please let tomorrow be a calm day.

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