chapter 1: relieving stress

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"duke there's a bomb!" alexandra shouted to me, dragging me to cover seconds before the bomb exploded

i shot up out of breath, looking around my surroundings

i sighed out of relief, happy to see i was in leah's apartment instead of out on the battle field

"you okay?" leah asked softly from the kitchen doorframe

"yeah...yeah, i think so" i said rubbing my head

"was it another bad dream about the military?" leah asked softly, walking over and handing me a cup of tea

"yeah, a bad one" i sighed shaking my head

"have you thought about seeing someone about it?" leah suggested

"no, not a chance, i'm not doing that leah!" i snapped

"okay... okay, it was just a suggestion"

"it's not even that bad, it just pops up every know and then when something triggers it" i played it off

"you and i both know that's a lie" leah said giving me a pointed look

"so are you looking for any apartments near here?" leah asked changing the subject

"you know how badly the military are paid at the start, i can't afford anything in london, might have to move back up north" i shrugged

"no! no need. you can live with me, your gone for most of the year anyways, pointless buying a house you'll be in for a few months a year" leah said shaking her head

"only if your sure leah" i said

"i'm 100% sure kai" leah said smiling softly at me

leah was one of the few people i wasn't 'cold hearted' towards, the only person who i didn't push away.

"the girls are going out tonight with some of the new signings if you want to join" leah asked

"do i have to dress up really fancy?" i asked

"no" leah laughed

"thank fuck, i'll come then" i said

"are you drinking tonight?" leah asked as she stood up

"you know me leah, i don't drink" i said

"just making sure" leah said while nodding her head and walking over to the kitchen


"leah!" i shouted as she walked up the stairs

"kai" she said walking into my room

"what do you think?" i asked showing
her my outfit, some baggy jeans and a white top with a hoodie loosely wrapped around my shoulders

"look fit duke, looking to pick up some girls tonight?" leah teased

"don't call me duke leah, makes me feel like i'm back at work" i rolled my eyes with a faint smile

"sorry kai" leah smiled before looking at her watch and deciding it was time to go

i sprayed some perfume on the way out and then made my way downstairs


"hello girls!" leah said as she walked over to the bunch of arsenal players

"kai!" katie shouted loudly, bounding over to me and pulling me into a hug

"alright katie?" i asked

katie smiled up at me and nodded

"good, want a drink?" i asked, she immediately said yes and i went up and ordered her a beer while i got a coke

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