19. "I lost Arya."

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They both were waiting in the car. A stranger walked suspiciously around the port area. “That guy!” Sid pointed out to the man. “Remember to protect your identity before getting out.” He warned. She nodded.

He speeded the car and drifted reducing the speed. The tyres erking sound echoed and overlapped the sound of the sea waves. She rushed out, smoothly opening the door, while the car continued to spin due to the skid.

She covered her face with a black mask, showing just her fuming eyes. Her defined figure, her black and black outfit fitted to her curves and her swag made her look extremely hot. The man was startled by her sudden appearance.

Before he could realize she locked him and threw him into the spinning car. Her strong physique made it easy for her. Sid stepped on the accelerator and they abducted him.

Ahalya punched on his face, which led to bleeding at the corner of his lips. “I think we should ask him first.!” Siddique exclaimed. “Right, I just wanted to let out my frustration.” She answered. “Now, tell me what information did you give Vipers?” She questioned. “I have nothing to say, leave me!!” The man refused to speak.

She didn’t like his answer. So she thrashed him until he bled. She tried to make him talk but he didn't and ended up on the edge of losing consciousness.

*End of A/N’s explanation*

“So, I left him because I knew you would make him talk.” She explained everything turning towards me. I held her hands closing the gap. “That could have been dangerous, sweetheart. Even a scratch I would be blaming myself for the entire life.” I couldn’t hold back.

I let out an airy breath. I don’t know what my condition would be if anything happened to her. I thought. She gave me a warm hug. “I know. But how can I let anyone harm you.” She said slowly in the hug. I held her for a while. It felt like home. My home.

Ahalya's POV

It felt like he was struggling with something. He didn't even bother about Anderson's warning, but my being outside made him stressed.

So, I gave him a warm hug. I could hear his heartbeat, it was calming and soothing. I broke the hug and stepped back. “Adhir!” He hummed in response. “Would you like to share what's troubling you?” I asked, again turning to him.

“What? What's troubling me? I feel fine.” He said giving a smile but avoiding eye contact. He can never avoid my eyes unless he is lying. I want to know; I wanted him to share; I wanted him to be vulnerable. I couldn’t ask again.

“I just want you to be safe. That's what's troubling me.” He said. I hoped I could believe that, but I knew he was hiding. “Adhir, I know I lied to you about my identity and past. Now you know me, you know my core, there’s nothing to hide from you. When you feel the same about me, I'll be there to listen to you.” I said, holding my eyes with his.

He held my hand “Sweetheart, I trust you more than anything. I'm scared to lose you. Even the thought terrifies me.” Said tucking my hair. There was a moment of silence.

“I lost Arya. She was my everything. My family.” He stated.

From the next chapter let's unlock Adhir’s past. Let me give credit for drafting the past along with me.

Stay curious because it is worth it!

With love

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