28.Mile -Will you forgive me

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Let's go, I said and escort my new partner. We walk and meet a lot of people. Mew look at me regretfully.  Thus is big event. Everyone in the country will talk about this, including him. I gently hug my partner before I send her home..After that I ask my driver to go to my office back. You should rest boss, my assistant said. I will, I said. I just have so much in my plate right now.

It's been months. But until now, I dont see he received any offer. I dont know why. Mew make sure he received the best offer. Its hard for an artist to make comeback after retirement mew said. For the first time I felt regret of my decision.  But everything have been done. I am sorry but there are nothing I can do now.

It was day and night fight. My grandpa now look at me and finally surender.  You can kill me, but I won't be your heir again I said. You can push away everyone from my life but i still won't change my mind. Why, my grandpa ask.
Because I dont want to be someone like you i reply. You close  your eyes even you know how your children killing each other, I don't want to someone like like you,  I said again.  My grandpa now look down. I wont blame you for my parent or mew parent death. I will blame your for not doing the right thing. I said and leave him alone. Oh, I already prepare everything  for you, so you won't live like common people,  you will still live like a king like you use to be, but you won't have any puppet to play anymore I said. Good bye grandpa, take care I said and leave Immediately before confiscation of his properties.  I make him pay for both my and mew parent or even bright mom. I finally succeed in controlling all the family.  I know what make my grandpa scare the most is, no one to handle all his wealth. I make him divide all his wealth to his legal and illegal son. I dont want mew or me become the slave again. Until now we don't know who is our parent killer because he have so many scandle and illegal child. I know with all the greedy person nothing will last long. They have been feed for too long. Mew and I refuse to accept anything but my grandpa insist for that.

So, mew ask me. Tul also look at me. What so, I ask mew. Stop pretending, mew said. He already left, nothing much I can do I said and walk to my room. After months , after I send him home, I finally in my room again. I never sleep here again. I just can't. We have so much memory here.

Flash back

"Can I kiss you baby, I ask my beautiful husband. No, he reply every time.
I just laugh and hug him tight"

I love his smell. I love how he getting angry . He is so cute. I know he accepting his life because he is scare. He maybe don't show it, but i know he is scare of our family.  He know us so much.
Can you stop, he ask when I keep kiss his hair. I love his smell.

" what are you doing, my husband ask me with blushing face. I just laugh and slowly wear my shirt. You are not allow to be in my bed if you are topless he said and push me hard. "

" baby can we do it again,  I ask. Do what he ask me innocently.  Do you, i reply and that make him hit me with a pillow. No, he said firmly. But you like it last time baby, i said teasing him. He always shy on our one time intimate moment. Phi, he shout loudly

"Why you are not eating, i ask him firmly.  Because you said i am heavy last night he said with sulky tone. Really bright, i ask him. He dont response to me. Dont you know how much we lost because of this, i ask him a bit firm. I dont ask you to come back he said loudly. He start getting teary. I hate you, he said and run to the balcony.  I take a deep breath and slowly go to my sullen husband. I am sorry, i was wrong, i said softly. Can we eat now, i ask him"

"Phi are you okay, my husband ask me. He look worry. Dont worry it just a migrain. I will better if you kiss me I said try to divert his worry. Phi, he said angrily.  I just laugh and really shock when he suddenly kiss me. Get well soon phi, he said and run from the room"

Flash back end

You will regret this, go get him before he leave for real, mew said before he leave with tul. I look at his picture. He really try to move on. Book a ticket to korea, I call my assistant.  I dont know how he will react. I push him out of my life cruelly.  I can see his sad eyes but I pretend to not understand.  I knew he start accepting me a bit before but after all this separation and what not, I dont think he will forgive me.

For the first time I felt really scare. I promise  When I am strong enough and no one can threaten me with his life I will bring him back, but now I am not that confident . I still remember his last thank you. Its just a thank you but it's mean a lot. But with that pain I try my best to end our family feud
What should I do. Will he forgive me. What if he refuse to come back. I really scare..

I walk to his home slowly.  I hold My phone tightly.  After days of hesitation, I finally make a move. I drive to his home here in jeju island. Will you forgive me.

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