Chapter 14

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"So you two know each other?"

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"So you two know each other?"

Samaria spoke, her voice nearly drowning in the loud music as she interrupted Dayvon and Jahron's little reunion. Both the men looked at her, Von shooting her a tantalizing smirk while Jahron just smiled.

"I've known Von for a while now. We use his security services for most of our clubs."

"Oh.. right..."

Samaria nodded, pressing her lips together.

"But Von, I ain't know you had a girl? Especially the girl of my dreams."

Jahron innocently teased. Samaria nearly cringed at his words, just as Von came swooping his arm around her. His body heat gave her goosebumps as he placed his hand on the small of her back.

"Samaria is all mines. Fully accounted for. How y'all two know each other though?"

He pointed.

Samaria couldn't even find the words to deny Dayvon's claims of them being together. Even if she did have the energy to protest, she knew better than to say anything at all. Clearly Von was jealous. She could read it all in his body language, and hear it dripping from his tone. In fact, she thought it was so hilarious how he came rushing over here the second she was receiving attention from another man.

Samaria wondered if this was a good thing or a bad thing. Good, because her plan was finally working. Dayvon might've been actually falling for her after all. Bad, because she secretly had a feeling she was falling for him too. Samaria knew it right then and there as she watched Von practically claim her in front of Jahron. She also knew it when they were at the Breakfast Club, and he told Mena that she was his girl.

But I can't be falling for him, when I'm the one that has to kill him..


"Me and Samaria knew each other from college. She kept curving me the whole 4 years we were there."

Jahron teased, yet she could've sworn she heard some bitter undertones in his voice. Especially with the way he was eyeing her in Von's arms. He almost looked envious, but tried to cover it up with a fake smile.

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