Chapter 34

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A few hours had passed

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A few hours had passed. Samaria now found herself gazing in awe out the window of the private jet she was currently aboard. Flying private was something she'd never experienced a day in her life, nor has she ever traveled outside the states before. So it was hard for her to not be so amazed by the luxuries that Dayvon so generously provided.

For starters, the interior of the jet was the epitome of opulence and sophistication, greeted by the soft glow of ambient lighting, casting a warm and inviting atmosphere over the spacious cabin. The walls were adorned with rich, dark wood, contrasting elegantly with the cream-colored leather seats that lined the cabin.

Each seat was a throne of comfort, upholstered in the finest leather, with intricate stitching and plush cushions, promising a safe and restful journey. Samaria remained seated comfortably, with her legs stretched out onto Dayvon's lap as they enjoyed the 3 hour long flight.

Before they knew it, the jet began to descend smoothly, slicing through the sky as it approached the private airstrip nestled amidst the rugged landscape of Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. There was a 2 hour time difference out here, setting them back just a bit. Although, the night sky still shimmered with stars that danced beautifully around the moon.

The jet's engine roared softly as it touched down, the wheels kissing the ground with a gentle thud. Samaria could feel a blend of anticipation and tension as her eyes were glued out the window, taking everything in.

Dayvon had dozed off earlier, but she wasn't too sure if he was really in a deep sleep since he would occasionally squeeze her thighs with his fingers. She just pried her eyes away from the window, turning her focus toward him.

She secretly admired his striking face that was beautifully emotionless, due to his slumber. He looked peaceful in this moment as he breathed in and out softly. His lips were full and set in a serious, contemplative line. Those same lips that unlocked a pleasurable feeling all over her body, causing her to feel numb.

His cheekbones were high and pronounced, giving his face a chiseled, sculpted appearance. His jawline was strong and angular, often accentuated by well-groomed hairs that framed his chin neatly. Samaria just nibbled at her bottom lip, before deciding to wake him up.

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