Chapter 22

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2 days later

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2 days later

Nothing annoyed Dayvon more than the NO CALLER ID flashing across the screen of his iPhone.

He watched in silence as it buzzed aggressively, before the call went straight to voicemail. He kept getting calls like this all day long, and it frustrated him because he wasn't able to block the number. He also had a pretty good feeling on exactly who it was harassing him like this.

It was a quiet Friday afternoon in Chicago. Von was currently slumped in his leather office chair with his laptop in front of him on the desk. He found himself stuck in yet another long meeting with a handful of boring investors.

Dayvon was grateful he didn't have to say much in any of these meetings though, since his father was in attendance via zoom. His eyes were fixed on the screen watching Walter take over the entire forum. He'd been coming up with new plans and ideas for the company to gain more revenue then ever before.

"And so, by providing us with these resources and expertise, we can successfully introduce our company to upcoming customers and potential partners. Additionally, this will bring credibility and validation to our business, which will be financially beneficial for all of us in the long run."

Walter's deep voice echoed through the computer, as the 2 investors who were also on the same zoom call, profoundly agreed with his proposal. And by the end of the meeting, both Walter and Dayvon secured the additional resources they needed from these investors to help branch out their security services beyond Chicago.

Von didn't have a normal relationship with his father. Ever since he was a kid, everything between them always felt like a business transaction. He couldn't even remember a time where he had a normal father and son interaction with Walter. Although, he did have to admit it was always fascinating to see the way his father would handle business whenever it came to these meetings. It amazed Von to get a firsthand look at how the company could expand globally in the near future.

After exchanging their proper goodbyes, the investors finally logged off the zoom call leaving only Walter now grinning proudly through the screen at his son.

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