Chapter 38

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Heavy rain pounded against the window of the Uber Samaria found herself sitting in

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Heavy rain pounded against the window of the Uber Samaria found herself sitting in. She had just landed in New York after a 2 hour and 40 minute flight from Chicago.

She thought she'd be able to escape the rain, but it seemed like the terrible weather was only following her tonight. The headlights of oncoming cars blurred into streaks of light, mirroring the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes. Her mind was only focused on one person right now:


The man who'd been both a towering figure of authority and a source of endless conflict in her life. Their relationship had always been a battlefield, each interaction being a war neither of them could win. She could still hear his voice, sharp and cutting, echoing in her mind.

"I may not be your father, but I'm only doing what's best for you, Samaria."

He'd once told her, his words like daggers aimed straight at her heart. No matter how hard she tried, it was never enough to earn his approval. The years of striving, of pushing herself to the brink, had left her scarred and weary.

As the Uber continued toward Mount Sinai Hospital, the memories came flooding back in her brain, each one a painful reminder of the distance that always existed between herself and Silas.

The countless moments of silence, the unspoken words that hung heavy in the air. The nights she spent crying in her room from the misery of missing her parents, wishing they were here. The times she'd watch Silas from a distance, wishing he would just look at her like a daughter, instead of him being consumed with revenge.

And now, he was dying. The only family member that she had who was there for her growing up, even though things weren't great between them. Silas was on his deathbed, and she was the only one left to say goodbye.

She wondered if he even wanted her there. Would he be relieved to see her, or would he turn away, unable to face her. The thought twisted her heart, a cruel reminder of the chasm that had always separated them.

The hospital loomed ahead, a tall structure bathed in the harsh glow of fluorescent lights in the heart of New York City. The Uber driver pulled up to the entrance, before quickly hopping out to get the door for her.

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