Chapter 27

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The next morning

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The next morning

Ray's of sunshine filtered through the heavy velvet curtains, laying out a soft golden glow in Dayvon's bedroom. Samaria stirred in her sleep, her mind clawing its way out of the blissful dream she was having.

As her eyes fluttered open, she found herself enveloped in the silk sheets of the California king bed. She sat up slowly, her fingers brushing against the cool, smooth fabric. She let out a relaxing sigh as she took in the surroundings of his room.

The walls were adorned with deep, rich mahogany paneling, and dark wood furniture pushed up in different corners of the room. Floor-to-ceiling windows dominated right across from where she laid, draped in heavy curtains. The space overall exuded an air of opulence and power, with every detail curated to reflect the stature of Von.

Samaria's breath caught in her throat as she remembered the events from the previous night. Between the heated exchange they shared at Uptown's Kitchen, and the six different ways he made her climax last night without ever whipping out his dick, there was this undeniable pull she felt towards Dayvon.

And It took everything in her not to run from it.

Brushing those thoughts away, Samaria figured it was time to get up. The first thing she noticed as she slipped out of bed, was the delicious scent of breakfast engulfing her nostrils. The aroma consisted of sizzling bacon, and something sweet that reminded her of those Belgium waffles she had back in Atlanta. 

Her heart quickened, and not just from the promise of breakfast, but from the knowledge of who had most likely prepared it. Dayvon was definitely not in bed with her when she woke up, so she figured he'd snuck off earlier in the morning to go cook. A small smile painted her face at the simple thought of him doing something so domestic.

Her naked body was already covered in one of his oversized tee's. She just put on a pair of shorts before making her way to the bathroom that was connected to his room. There, she spotted a Walgreens bag filled with essentials that any girl would need after staying the night.

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