Chapter 37

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I just be spoiling yall fr

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I just be spoiling yall fr. 2 chapters uploaded AGAIN for yall tonight 😝😝😝❤️

Honestly, I'm going out of town next week so I wanted to feed yall as much as I could lol 😝

Samaria could feel her lips pouting sadly as she sat in the back seat of the Escalade, which pulled up silently through Lake Shore Drive, back home in Chicago

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Samaria could feel her lips pouting sadly as she sat in the back seat of the Escalade, which pulled up silently through Lake Shore Drive, back home in Chicago.

Her shoulders slumped as the sky was grey, with an occasional rumble of thunder every few seconds. She couldn't help but think that the weather completely matched her mood today. The closer Moe drove towards her apartment building, the more Samaria felt a shiver of dread, knowing her time with Dayvon was slipping away.

"Baby.. is you sad?"

Von's voice could be heard, interrupting her dramatic thoughts. She snapped her neck in his direction, giving him a stale look.


She scoffed with slight attitude. A slow grin formed handsomely on his face as he shut his laptop off, which had been in his lap the entire ride from the airport. He'd been busy catching up on emails, but he wasn't oblivious to Samaria's attitude about their trip being over.

"It's not funny, Von."

She pouted, rolling her eyes. He couldn't help but chuckle, setting his laptop to the side before scooting closer to her. He let his arm slide around her shoulders, pulling her body toward him.

"You jus' mad cus I'm leavin' you."

He teased.

And it was true. After the conversation he had with Walter yesterday, Dayvon knew there were some loose ends he needed to tie up. He still wasn't sure what he was going to do about the whole Julius Royale situation, which is why he needed to have a sit down with his father, and discuss it.

"I get it. You're a busy man."

She breathed out, shrugging her shoulders. He still just found it so funny how attached Samaria had grown to him. It made him feel warm inside that she felt this way whenever it was time for him to leave.

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