Chapter 28

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Hey yall 🥹 How are yall beautiful readers doing? I was on a girls trip these last few days, which is why I didn't update lol

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Hey yall 🥹 How are yall beautiful readers doing? I was on a girls trip these last few days, which is why I didn't update lol. My fault 😭❤️ To make it up to yall, I have 2 chapters for you to read tonight ❤️

Enjoy 😘

Taking a deep breath, Samaria sat in silence on the couch with her eyes fixed on Silas

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Taking a deep breath, Samaria sat in silence on the couch with her eyes fixed on Silas. He had a stern and distant look on his face, reminding her of how he would always be a source of frustration and anger in her life.

Silas just took a seat on the other side of the couch, making sure to put his gun up on the coffee table closest to him, but still in view for Samaria to see. He looked much older and more worn out than she last remembered. The gruff hair on his head and face which was once black, now turned into an ice cold grey color. He had years of stress lines crawling across his forehead, while his eyes still held that familiar coldness that could make anyone uncomfortable.

Their eyes met, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. Memories of harsh words and silent dinners flooded Samaria's brain. She could see the tension in his face as he cleared his throat, before leaning back into the couch.

"So... I see you've gotten yourself real comfortable with that boy downstairs. I was watching you guys from the window."

He began.

Samaria's jaw locked, her heart skipping a few beats at the thought of Silas watching her with Dayvon. Although, a wave of warmth spilled through her chest just from thinking about him. She wished he was here with her right now.

Von always had this savior complex to him that she noticed. Especially the night when she witnessed him pistol whipping a man who assaulted her at the bar. Or how quick he was to almost rip Priest's head off for putting his hands on her. Von created a space for Samaria to always feel safe around him.

And right now, she desperately needed that space.

"Tell me, Samaria. How are things going between you and Mr. Bennett?"

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