The World is My Stage

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In this story, the characters of Aldnoah.Zero were just actors following a script to the anime.
I do apologize if some of you don't like the idea, but I thought it would be interesting to try.


Basics to fanfic

(Y/N) - your first name
(L/N) - your last name
(F/N) - father's name
(M/N) - mother's name
(S/N) - sister's name
(B/N) - brother's name
(BF/N) - best friend's name
(e/c) - eye color
(h/c) - hair color
(f/c) - favorite color

And as the story progresses, I may decide to add more fill-ins. I try to make my stories as interactive as possible.

Heads up though, in real life I say Mommy and Daddy so when the characters talk about moms and dads, that's usually what I'll use.

Now finally, let the story begin.


(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I am (Y/N) (L/N). The famous, seventeen-year old actress. I am the daughter to the formerly known love team, (M/N) and (F/N) (L/N). Both my parents are retired now though. My mom stays home while my father is a huge, big-time director. My younger sister is his make-up and costume artist while my older brother is one of his camera men. Both are very skilled in what they do.

Now, you may wonder if we still attend school due to our schedules, and we do. We all attend a school called Royal Crown Academy. It's a school that gives each of their  personalized schedules based off a student's participation in outside projects. So in my case, since I am an actress, when I have something to film in, my schedule adapts to that.

I had just woken up this morning and was getting ready to go to school. I brushed my (h/c) hair, though I didn't really see the point since it was going to get tangled anyway. I put on my black shirt with a checkered white and black skirt. I put on my red tie, and finally, my black sweater. I looked at myself in the mirror.

Ugh, who in their right mind would think to make these skirts so short?

I looked at myself disgustedly and made my way down the stairs. I passed my mom who was in the living room watching television.

"New on entertainment!" the announcer said a bit too joyfully.

"Someone had too much coffee," I said as I stood behind my mother.

"Oh, (Y/N)," she sighed, "Must you always be so cynical?"

I shrugged and smiled, "Well you know me, Mommy."

She laughed as we continued to listen to the announcer.

"The cast of the very popular show, Aldnoah.Zero, will be starring in a new series directed my (F/N) (L/N)! And knowing that he's the director, his daughter, (Y/N) (L/N) is almost guaranteed to be seen in this new show!"

I sighed, "Do I really have to? I really wanted to take a break from filming and be in a world were the emotions aren't fake."

My mom got up from the couch and put her hands on my shoulders, "Please, (Y/N), your dad was really looking forward to having you in it."

I sighed again, "Fine. Only because it's for you guys."

She ruffled my hair a little bit and smiled, "Thank you, (Y/N). Now go eat breakfast with your siblings."

"Yes, ma'am," I said as I walked to the kitchen island. I saw (S/N)'s face planted in one of her books again while (B/N) was playing video games on his vintage GameBoy.

"Hasn't Mommy ever told you guys not to bring anything else to the dining area while eating?" I said as I laughed while taking their stuff.

"Heyyy," they said in unison in a joking tone.

I sat next to (S/N) and asked her, "How is it even possible that you are skilled with make-up and costume if all you do is read?"

"Simple," she said while taking a bite from her cereal, "The ability for me to picture and create images of characters in my mind is what helps me."

I mouthed an 'ohh' as I poured myself some cereal.

"So I heard," (B/N) started, "You'll by starring in Daddy's new series."

"Yep," I said.

"You know," (S/N) started, "I helped to write that script."

"And?" I said while talking a bite of my cereal.

"There's some romance in it," she said as she smirked evilly.

"Mmmm, cereal..." I said.

"Were you even listening to me?!?"

I gave her a goofy grin, "Come again?"

She sighed, "I know you probably heard me the first time, but I'll say it again before you decide to crunch loudly and eat more cereal. The new series is a romance thing," she said while nudging me.

What is this girl's problem?

"Sooo," she started again, "Dad might make you form a love team with someone."

I laughed, "Oh please, (S/N), if he did do that, I'd convince him to give me another role. And besides, if I did end up in a role like that, just remember...The world is my stage and we are all actors. Any emotions given will be completely fake. No emotions attached."

She looked at me weirdly.

"Wow, (Y/N), you can be so cold at times. It kinda scares me."

I laughed at her, "Thanks. I mean, I try."

She pouted at me. I shrugged at her with a smile.

"Come on, you guys," (B/N) said, "It's time for me to drop you off to school."

(S/N) and I grabbed our backpacks as we said 'see ya' to our mom. We got in the car and (B/N) started driving.

"No emotions attached, huh?" (S/N) asked.

I smacked her head playfully, "No emotions attached."


End of le chapter one. Hopefully you guys like where this is headed.

Have fun, Wattpadders ^_^


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