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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

It's been a week since the last time we filmed an episode, and as Asseylum had suggested, we were going to have a beach day. Yay...not really.

I packed all the items I needed: an umbrella, towel, and sunglasses. I waited by the outside of the studios as Dad drove in with one of those huge party buses with my mom in the passenger seat. I guess it was a family and cast beach day.

Asseylum passed by along with Slaine. Asseylum wore a white skirt with a pink tank top while Slaine wore blue shorts and a white t-shirt.

"(Y/N)," Asseylum started, "Is that all your bringing?"

"Yep," I said coolly and before she could ask anything else, my dad had called everyone to the bus.


I set up my umbrella and towel and put on my sunglasses. (S/N) came up to me wearing her bathing suit. She stared at me in my black athletic shorts and white tank. She frowned, "So I assume that today isn't the day you'll finally learn how to swim?"

I laughed, "And your assumption is correct."

She frowned and walked away to the sea to join the others. If I did know how to swim, I'm not much of a water person so I wouldn't really swim anyway. I watched as the others played and splashed in the ocean. Mom, Dad, and (B/N) were preparing some food for later. I covered my eyes with my sunglasses once again and took a nap.

(S/N)'s P.O.V.

I was currently splashing water at Inko and Inaho when I looked over to see my older sister still under the umbrella.

"You're sister hasn't left that place for about an hour now," Inko joked.

I laughed, "Probably taking another one of her naps."

"Look," Inaho pointed out, "It looks like Slaine's going over to her."

I decided to get up from the water as well to check on (Y/N). I looked at Slaine and his eyes literally seemed to glow as he approached (Y/N).

"If you ask me," I overheard Inko say, "I would think Slaine and (Y/N) are much closer than him and you-know-who."

"You really think so?" Inaho asked, "It's probably because (Y/N)'s helping him."

"Maybe you're right," she replied back. I walked over to see that Slaine had already waken up my sister. (Y/N) had put her sunglasses a little down and stared at Slaine with her (e/c) eyes.

Slaine's P.O.V.

"How was your sleep Miss (L/N)?" I said while smiling as (Y/N) looked at me with her tired eyes.

"Good. Now let me sleep some more. Go bond with Asseylum like I told you too," she said as she swatted at me like a fly and put on her sunglasses to cover her eyes. I had to say, (Y/N)'s plans had been working lately, but I still wanted to hang out with her as well.

I took her black sunglasses as she glared at me. I returned a playful smile.

"Come join us in the water (Y/N)," I pleaded.

"Nope," she said as she tried to snatch her sunglasses only for me to swiftly bring them out of her reach.

"Hey," she said as she got up and tried jumping for her sunglasses only to have me raising them higher.

I laughed, "You're pretty short huh (Y/N)?"

She pouted, "Give them back."

"Nope," I mocked, "Only if you swim with us."

(S/N) walked to us, "Watching you guys fight is like a comedy act," she giggled. She looked at her sister, "(Y/N) I think it's about time you learn to swim."

I saw (Y/N) shake her head furiously. I sighed as I realized that it probably wasn't going to work so I gave (Y/N) her sunglasses back. She had mouthed a 'thank you' and started to make her way back to her towel.

(S/N) formed a evil grin, "You up for actually forcing her to learn to swim?"

I nodded.

"Ok," the younger (L/N) sister started, "This can either end in two ways. Either she ends up asking for help on learning to swim or the other one...Still up for it?"

"Sure," I responded.

"Great," she said as she made her way towards (Y/N), "You take her by the arms and I'll take her by the feet. And more thing, if the other thing ends up happening, I'm not doing mouth-to-mouth. Okay? Okay."

I gave her a confused look and followed her. (S/N) gave a countdown and we rapidly grabbed (Y/N). She was screaming all kinds of things and telling us to put her down. She kept kicking until we lost our grip. (Y/N) ran as fast as she could away from us.

"Damn," her sister cursed, "Wasn't planning on that. Catch her for me will you?"

"Aren't you going to help?" I asked.

"Nah. Too tired," she said.

I laughed and ran to catch up to (Y/N).

"I'm going to get you (Y/N)!"

"Not if you can't catch me Troyard!"

We ended up chasing each other around the beach with everyone starting to join, making it a huge game of tag. We were all a bit old to be playing this, but when you're having fun, who cares?

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I had stopped running to take a couple of breaths. I checked my surroundings. No sign of Troyard. I mentally cheered but was suddenly tapped on the shoulder. I turned around, "Got ya (Y/N)," Slaine smiled.

I tried to run but was suddenly grabbed by the waist.

"Dang it Slaine," I laughed, "I think you're hugging the wrong person."

He let go and his eyes lit up completely ignoring most of my comment, "You said my first name...again!"

"Wow dude," I shrugged and laughed, "You are a strange one, aren't you?"

He shrugged and laughed.


It was time to leave so everyone headed to the bus. I was walking by myself when I heard footsteps run up to me.

"Troyard," I said a bit surprised, "Shouldn't you be chilling with Asseylum or something?"

He sighed, "I'm not some obsessed admirer (Y/N)," he laughed, "And am I not allowed to hang out with one of my best friends?"

"Yep," I said jokingly. He gave me a sad face, "I was joking," I patted his shoulder, "Come on."

Slaine stopped and I looked back at his blue-green eyes.

"Thanks for being such a great friend (Y/N)," he said sincerely, "Even though we've only met about a week ago, you've helped me so much."

I smiled, "No problem Slaine. And hey," I walked up to him, "No need to talk like that, I'm not going anywhere," I said while giving him a thumbs up, "We'll still be friends even after graduation. Okay?"

He smiled, "Okay."

No Emotions Attached (Slaine Troyard x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now