School Performance

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New fill-in:
(d/c) which means dream college/university

Slaine's P.O.V.

Ever since I told (Y/N) about my feelings towards her, she's become a bit distant, but today's the day I'm going to change that.

Our school's band and orchestra is going to have a performance today and there's really no way that she can avoid talking to me since we have a duet together.

I sat in the band room with my violin in my hand and I practiced my piece.

I suddenly felt a circular piece of metal on the top of my head. I looked up to see that it was none other than (Y/N) herself. The bell of her trumpet rested in my hair as she placed her chin on her mouthpiece. I was honestly very happy to see that she'd stop being so distant.

"You sound good, Slaine," she said coolly as she took a chair and placed her own stand next to mine. I could see in her face that she was making an effort to make things normal again.

"Thanks," I said as I lightly bopped her head with my bow, "you should be practicing with me as well you know," I teased.

She flicked her (h/c) hair and took an overconfident pose, "Who needs practice?" she smirked.

I gave her a face.

"I was joking, but you should know by now, Slaine, that I don't really practice much," she replied before starting to warm up her trumpet.

I simply laughed at her actions. It felt good to know that we were on speaking terms again. Perhaps by now she's realized that I truly don't have any more feelings for Asseylum.


(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

It was 5:00pm. My call time was at 6:30. I've got about an hour to get to school. To be on time is to be late is what I always say.

I looked at the letter that sat on my nightstand. It was my acceptance letter to (d/c). The school was pretty far from home and I wouldn't really know much people there.


"(Y/N)!!!" I heard my little sister yell.

"What?" I said grudgingly as I dragged myself from the couch to go to her side. Band practice was pretty cumbersome that day.

My sister had a huge smile on her face. "Guess what?"

"Chicken butt," I replied bluntly. My little sister pouted at me and flashed me one of her famous goofy smiles as she stuck a creamish envelope in front of my face. I eyed her questioningly as I opened the letter to see what was in it.

"Oh my..." I gasped as I read the contents of the letter. "I can't believe it...I got accepted to (d/c)!!!"

My sister and I hopped around and around until she brought up that dreadful question.

"Are you going to tell Slaine?"

I stopped at my sister words. Slaine...I haven't spoken to him since the day of his confession and it would be strange to just randomly go up to him and say, "Guess what, Slaine? I'm going far away for college so you should just forget about those so-called feelings for me!" I mentally slapped myself.

"I don't know," was all I told her.

End of Flashback


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